Saturday, October 8, 2011

Timeless, Beautiful Skin

Chemicals in jars that claim to beautify your skin may not be as healthy as you think. Those tiny little jars that cost a small fortune are just complicating something that is very simple and inexpensive.

Natural, healthy beauty comes from natural healthy foods that you put inside of you. If you are healthy inside, you will look healthy outside. Lifestyle is key and is more important than how much you can afford to slather on your face.

The things that you can do to beautify your skin are those lifestyle choices that don't cost much, like watching the amount that you eat, controlling your weight, making healthy food choices, getting some exercise- even if it's walking, getting restful sleep, quitting smoking, drinking lots of clean, pure water and meditating to reduce stress.

Most of the above skin beautifiers are self explanatory, but what should you eat for beautiful skin? Grab a shopping cart and lets fill it with foods that smooth, condition and tone your skin, from the inside out.

Most of us know that fish and other seafood is good for us, but many types of fish and shellfish are especially good for our skin, especially oysters and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines. They contain omega 3 fatty acids and zinc, both awesome for your skin. The omega 3's are especially good for skin dryness and inflammation. Weather damage to the skin can cause inflammation which causes skin to age faster. Lack of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet can cause skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. Increasing your fatty acid intake can reduce these inflammatory conditions.

Zinc is one of the best acne fighters because it is needed to metabolize testosterone, one of the factors in the production of an oily skin substance called sebum, one of the greatest causes of acne. Zinc also is involved in renewing new skin cells and sloughing off the old dead skin. It is sort of like a face peel, only more gentle and progressive. Walnuts and flax seed and their oils are also good sources of zinc and omega 3's.

Lots of face creams add vitamin C because this vitamin helps build collagen in the body and the skin. Collagen is a protein that helps keep skin smooth and taut. You can help slow the collagen breakdown which starts to speed up after age 35 by adding foods high in vitamin C to your diet. Tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, acerola cherries and peppers are great sources for wrinkle prevention. Being antioxidant-filled, make Vitamin C rich foods a great choice for smooth silky skin, clear of free radical damage. Vitamin C also fights inflammation and irritation caused by too many acid-forming foods in the diet, in addition to over-exposure to the sun.

If you had known Popeye, he would have had beautiful skin. Spinach does more that keep you strong when the going gets tough. It is a wonderful healer of dry, damaged skin. Spinach contains oodles of Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene which is excellent for a healthy body, including the skin. The body converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A which acts like an antioxidant, cleaning up free radicals and oxidative damage which is the main cause of premature aging and disease. You see, Popeye never got acne either because Vitamin A is a huge acne fighter. No, they didn't put spinach in your acne medication but they did put a form of retinol which converts to Vitamin A in the body.

Nuts are another beneficial dietary complement to beautiful skin, but unlike fruits and vegetables loaded with Vitamin A, nuts are full of Vitamin E. There are only certain nuts which are better for you than others. The saturated fats in some nuts are to be avoided with a ten foot pole. Almonds provide the anti-oxidant qualities of Vitamin E to scavenge those skin aging free radicals, including those acquired from sun damage. Vitamin E also helps moisturize the skin, making it look smooth and youthful. Pistachios and walnuts, along with almonds supply healthy amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which also help moisturize skin keeping it soft and smooth.

Whole grains are usually unrefined and contain most of the nutrients that the grain contains before processing. You want all of the original nutrients as opposed to refined grains which have the original nutrients stripped out of them in processing, particularly white flours. Refined grains sometimes have artificial nutrients added back in, but it is the rutin and B-vitamins that are so essential to health, in addition to beautiful skin, of course.

This is another example of where whole foods are so beneficial to health. Buckwheat, although, an acquired taste, is one of the best sources of rutin, another anti-oxidant. Buckwheat helps with reducing and eliminating irritation and inflammation. Wheat germ contains Biotin, a B-vitamin which helps the cells of the body process fats. Dry, scaly skin is a sign of a lack of Biotin in the diet. If you can't stomach buckwheat, try avocadoes and mushrooms instead.

As long as you are eating a diet of whole foods, dietary changes for gorgeous skin don't have to be too specific. A healthy body can't help but have beautiful skin. By avoiding sugars, heavy proteins and refined foods, you are taking your body a long way towards beautiful skin.

Jean Perrins is a retired nurse and an alkaline, ionized water specialist. She has been field testing the effects of structured water on health in her clinic with sometimes astounding results. It is clear that water has an affect on health that we, in the West are just beginning to understand.

Jean is currently working with a team to develop microbicidal and Free Active Chlorine applications to revolutionize industrial and agricultural methods using Invins-AbleTM electrochemically activated water. She and her team believe that Invins-AbleTM will help eliminate antibiotic and hormone use in food animals and will allow cleaning and chemical services to do more and more processes with this structured water. The economic and environmental savings are astounding. Check out for more articles.

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