Saturday, October 8, 2011

Recommended Foods For the Mediterranean Diet Rich in Heart-Healthy Fibers and Nutrients

Today, the world is faced with all kinds of crises: global crisis, environmental crisis and now health crisis. In the United States alone, studies revealed that $2.1 trillion has been spent for medical care, which is around 16.5% of the GNP. You can just imagine what is happening worldwide on the subject of health. As a responsible person, you try to discover a solution to this problem. One of the best solutions is to adopt a good diet plan, and one that is highly recommended is the Mediterranean Diet.

People, living along the Mediterranean Basin particularly in Greece, Crete, Southern France and some parts of Italy, enjoy better health and live longer. Researchers discovered that it is mainly from the foods they eat, which are rich in heart-healthy fiber and nutrients. This is known as the Mediterranean Diet.

The dietary pattern contains the following:

o Plant food (fruit, vegetable, bread and other cereals, beans, nuts and seeds) which are least processed and recently harvested; newly picked fruits as a usual dessert
o Sweets either nut or olive oil-based, intensified sweets and honey eaten as holiday fare
o Lipid-rich olive oil or canola oil
o Dairy products (yoghurt and cheese) consumed in small amount
o Eggs lesser than 4 times weekly
o Red meat in very minimal amounts
o Red wine taken during meals

The Food Pyramid is arranged like this:

In the bottom are the carbohydrates like bread, cereal and wheat;
In the 2nd level and occupying the same line, are vegetables, legumes, nuts and fruits
In the 3rd level is olive oil
In level 4 are dairy products
In the 5th level is fish
Level 6 include poultry
In level 7 are eggs
In level 8 are sweets
In level 9 the least beneficial, is red meat.

In amount of intake: the bottom level until level 4 is taken daily; level 5 until 8 are taken a few times per week and level 9 is taken only in fewer amounts once or twice per month.

Benefits from the Mediterranean Diet are loss in weight, decrease in the incidence of heart disease, reduces the risk of cancer, prevention or a delay in the development of Parkinson, Alzheimer's diseases and pre-Diabetes.

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