Saturday, October 8, 2011

Monavie and Acid Reflux

Monavie a nutritious juice made from acai berry overcomes acid reflux. Since the nutritive properties of Monavie are lost within a span of 24 hours of harvesting, the berries are frozen immediately after picking. Monavie is a blessing which is acquired from the Amazon forest. It has multi-curative properties and it is considered to be a gift for mankind. The level of wellness that it provides is amazing. The berry which was used by the inhabitants of the Amazon forest since ages has come into limelight only recently.

By including Monavie in our daily diet our body will be nourished with vitamins and minerals and it will protect our body from unexpected damages and illnesses. Consuming 1oz of Monavie twice a day relieves you from acid-reflux. It is worth every money spent. Do not think twice even if its cost is $ 40, because health is more important than wealth. Besides it's a natural product so you need not worry about its side-effects.

The antioxidant present in this miracle juice restores and protects the damaged lower esophagus and its acid curbing properties minimizes the acid contents in the stomach thus relieving people from acid- reflux. This is one of the many benefits of consuming Monavie.

The uncomfortable felling and anxiety that comes with acid-reflux is now taken care of by Monavie, thus leading to tension free and healthy living.

The fruity taste of monavie is liked by all. It's amazing healing powers has made monavie a topic of discussion. Besides the acai berry, there 19 other fruits are used in preparing it. They are white grape, pomegranate, kiwi, pear, nashi pear, purple grape, aronia, banana, cranberry, prune, apricot, acerola, passionpride, blueberry, wolfberry, lychee and camu camu.

These delicious nutrients aid digestion and wards off acid reflux. Monavie eliminates the pains and aches from our body, make our body toxin free and makes you feel invigorated.

Studies show that, having relieved people from the panicky acid-reflux, people have begun enjoying life more. Consuming Monavie enable you to sleep throughout the night peacefully, makes you feel energetic and recharged to face the whole day.

People who have been ailing from acid-reflux since years have been relieved by Monavie within 3 days. The gleam seen in the eyes of people who are cured is worth noticing.

Monavie improves your quality of life. Monavie and healthy life are interconnected. When you are relieved of acid reflux, you sleep well and gain more energy leading to quality life.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about Monavie and Acid Reflux [] visit The Pain Of Acid Reflux Disease [] for current articles and discussions.

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