Saturday, October 8, 2011

Natural Vitamin C Supplement - Versus Synthetic

Today, the most common health supplements you can buy are manmade, ie in an isolated and synthetic form. They are a far cry from natural vitamins and nutrients.

Nature intended you to obtain all your nutrients from a complex and nutritious substance called food. Each food contains the necessary nutrients in balance to complement one another and so allow for its complete and easy absorption.

There is no such thing as an isolated nutrient in nature.

So when you take a synthetic nutrient, be aware that it in isolation.

This is also called fractionated supplementation.

When your body tries to digest this isolated nutrient, it searches around for the other nutrients that should accompany it. When it finds there aren't any, then it will rob these nutrients from your body in order to attempt to absorb this isolated nutrient, so creating a deficiency.

With synthetic vitamin C, you can see that this is not absorbed, by the colour of your urine. Your urine comes out a very strong yellow. This indicates that it wasn't absorbed. And also causes a strain on your kidneys.

But that's not all.

Synthetic vitamin C (calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate and ascorbate acid), can cause hardening or thickening of the arteries, when taken in large doses.

Most natural health practitioners will tell you that when you extract one component from food and then give it in very high doses, you just don't know what you are doing to the system, and it may be adverse.

This is in total contradiction to all the claims made by the synthetic vitamin C manufacturers. They state that their vitamins will never cause harm and are always beneficial.

Natural vitamin C will never cause harm and is highly beneficial. Sadly, this is not the case with isolated and synthetic vitamin C.

Apart from the possibility of hardening of your arteries, high doses of ascorbic acid can cause copper deficiencies. Since copper is essential to keep your blood vessels healthy, amongst other functions, you are trading one 'benefit' for the loss of another.

Copper and iron are also closely linked and seesaw - low copper brings high iron levels and vice versa.

An added problem is that synthetic vitamin C also causes body acidity. Your body should be slightly alkaline. While you body pH is alkaline, disease cannot develop. As soon as your body becomes acid, all manner of health problems can result.

Natural vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin to retain good health. Claims have indicated that it can be helpful in preventing anything from colds to cancer. But it seems to be prudent to avoid the isolated and synthetic form, and to either obtain all your needs from your healthy diet or from an all food based natural vitamin C supplement.

There are some foods which contain a rich source of natural vitamin C. These make the best supplements, as all foods will lose some of their nutrients when processed into supplements.

Some of the best plants which survive the processing are acerola cherry, rose hips and camu camu.

When you buy any vitamin C, always check the ingredients, as while the label may boldly claim to be natural vitamin C, it may only be one ingredient, with the cheaper synthetic forming the bulk.

Rosemary Wright is passionate about natural health. Why? Because you can cure so much with just knowing a bit about the best diet, the healthiest supplements and the enormous benefits from relaxing and/or meditating regularly. You don't need to know much. And you don't need to do much.
For more information, visit

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