Saturday, October 22, 2011

Exotic Ingredients of Cosmeceuticals

Today the customers are no less thirsty than the crow in the story. Perhaps they are even thirstier when it is about their skin care. They can drop thousands more stones in the jar to lift the information from the very bottom of the jar. However, internet made things easier for them. To promote the constructive practice of being well informed before using the products of skin care, hereby some ingredients of cosmeceuticals are put under the light so that the other end of the tunnel become visible by a bit more.

'Exotic ingredients' is the term that refers to a group of natural cosmeceutical ingredients that is being hunted by the researchers and the researchers are in search of their sources from Asia to Amazon.

Acerola fruit is enriched in vitamin C content and renders significant lightening affect to the skin. Brazil is known for Acerola fruit source. It also contains bioflavonoids, carotenoids and other antioxidants.

Buriti oil is an extractant of Moriche palm tree and also available in the Brazilian Amazon. Since people without brown skins are in the threat, of ultraviolet ray, posed by global warming, this red-orange oil will become more and more popular among them as the days go by. It is due to the fact that it possesses a naturally occurring SPF factor that filters and absorbs ultraviolet rays, and thereby it helps to prevent ultraviolet induced skin diseases. It contains beta-carotene by a large margin that protects the skin against the damaging effects of sunlight by neutralizing free radicals.

Camu camu, grows along the Amazon River, is believed to have the highest source of natural vitamin C. To realize the increment of Vitamin C, found in camu camu, in compare to other natural sources, we can chose orange (one of the common sources of vitamin C) to compare with Camu camu. Empirically, Camu camu contains approximately 30 times more vitamin C than that in an orange. It is known for its stable and effectiveness in topical use. It is proved to be effective in fighting anti-aging and wrinkles. It boosts collagen and skin elasticity.

Carambola grows extensively in Southeast Asia, South America, Hawaii, Southern Florida and Australia. It became popular in skin care product developing field for serving as a source of antioxidants like epicatechin.

Cupuacu, is an Amazonian rainforest tree, contains phytonutrients, polyphenols, phytosterols, etc. Due to being an exceptional moisturizer, Skin care companies planning this exotic to use in amelioration of aging and dry skin.

Maracuja seed oil contains about 70 percent linoleic acid that supports skin barrier function to control transepidermal loss of water. It helps to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines. It has achieved a high profile as a free radical scavengers and antioxidants. It is prescribed to those who want calm, relax and moisturize the skin. The seeds of the passion fruit are the source of Maracuja seed oil.

Apart from the natural exotics mentioned above many other exotics are currently in use to improve the function of cosmeceuticals such as Yerba mate, Urucum seed oil, tamanu oil and so on. Many researches have been undertaken by many cosmeceuticals companies to invent new exotic to ensure your skin care just as you want. Wish them good luck so that we can live young forever.

The Author is a freelancer who finds the inspiration of his work from the nature and its children.

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6 Eating Habits To Youthful and Healthy Skin For Woman

Usually, it happens faster than you think it will. After a long day, you can't help but discovering lines on your face.

"Am I old?"

Well they say what's outside reflects what's inside. Lack of various vitamins and minerals can tip off your hormone balance, or leave your, once healthy skin, weak and lifeless.

So, before you spend another fortune on chemical skin care products, look back into your grocery store and find some affortable, natural skin care answers.

Unlike what most people think, these healthy food are not yucky at all. Many of them are my personal favorates. How bad can they be.

1. Fruits and Vegetables Good for Skin

Fruits contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibers. Vitamins and minerals are healing power of your body. The best choice is always fresh fruits and vegetables. But if you don't have any, frozen foods are always better than canned foods.

Avocadoes - This fruit is abundant in essential oils and b-complex vitamins which nourish your skin inside out. Niacin, or vitamin b3, is very important for skin health, and avocado is rich in Niacin. Niacin helps soothes irritated skin and calm down red blotchy spots.
Avocado is rich in oil. It can be used to soothe and smooth dry skin. Eat the avocado fruit first, then rub it all over the body.

Blend half of an avocado with yogurt and berries for a wonderful morning smoothy.

Mangoes - Vitamin A repairs your skin cells, and mango has 80% of your daily requirements for vitamin A. If you have dry, flaky skin complexion, then have a mango! Vitamin A is also antioxidant that fight free radical damages that can prematurely age your skin.

Perfect fruit for both your skin and your figure.

Acerola Cherries - Your average cherry doesn't supply a significant amount of vitamin C, but don't tell that to this particular cherry. One single Acerola cherry supplies 100% of your daily allowance for vitamin C, which is great news for your skin. As an antioxidant, vitamin C fights skin damage and wrinkles. It also plays a central role in the production of collagen, the structural protein in your skin.

Baked Potato - Unlike the greasy French Fries, a fresh baked potato provides 75% of your daily requirement for copper. This mineral works hand-in-hand with vitamin C and zinc to produce the elastic fibers that support skin structure. Too little copper in your diet can reduce your skin's ability to heal and cause it to become rigid and lifeless.

Mushroom - This fungi is rich in riboflavin, a B vitamin that's vital to your skin. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is involved in tissue maintenance and repair, but actually goes beyond basic skin care to improve skin blemish caused by rosacea. This vitamin is so important for skin repair that the body will use up large amounts after sustaining a burn or wound, or undergoing surgery.

2. Identify the Antioxidants

Oxidation is a nature process of your body. But oxidation reaction can involve production of free radicals which form dangerous chain reaction, which might lead to cancer, heart disease and more. Plants and animals contain complex system of multiple types of antioxidants. Common antioxidants are Vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene. These special chemicals assist in skin repair and the strengthening of blood vessels.

Ya know? Some of these foods does not taste too bad.

Vitamin A - Orange, carrot, pumpkin, and fish

Vitamin C - Orange (most fruits), celery, broccoli, berries, potato, sweet potato

Vitamin E - nuts, seeds, pears, veg oil, fish oil

Selenium - seafood, cereal, muscle meats

3. Have fun with soybeans

The soybean is regarded as a valuable food remedy in eczema and other skin affections. It renders unnecessary the use of animal protein, that is, meat, eggs and milk and thus reduces the inflammatory activities in the skin and is free from the tendency to produce sensitivity or allergic reactions which so frequently attend the users of all animal proteins.

Aside from that, soybean is a rich source of estrogen, which help to balance female hormone and emotion. If you are like me, unbalance hormone and emotion can cause irritation and pimples on your lovely face.

4. Can't Do Without Unsaturated Fat

Fat! How scary!

Do all you can to stay away from saturated fat. But believe or not, unsaturated fat is pretty essential to your health. Lack of unsaturated fat in your body can cause dry skin, cracking skin, lost of hair color, increase in dandruff, emotional, fragile nails, dry eyes, lack of energy, high blood pressure, breast on and so on.

It's nothing less than disaster.

Unsaturated fat is needed to balance hormone, separate nerve cells and maintain healthy blood vessels.

Now, you can feel less guilty about eating a lot of things. Cheer up.

5. Consume Plenty of Water

The body is almost two thirds water. On average, the body loses 2.5 liters of water each day.

Blood is 92% water. Bones are 22% water.

Muscles are 75% water.

Brain is 75% water. Even moderate dehydration can cause headaches and dizziness.

Adequate intake of pure water promotes the body's natural healing process. It is needed by the body to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and harming cells and to carry neurotransmissions from one nerve cell to another effectively.

Keeping your skin hydrated externally, as well as internally, is also beneficial in anti-aging and keeping the skin healthy. This is particularly important to those with dry or maturing skin.

Hydrating skin externally is especially important in air conditioned rooms, dry, arid climates and in airplanes. Pressurized cabins in airplanes dehydrate the skin.

6. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate skin, wreaking havoc on its structure. An acceptable alternative to water is green tea, which is low in caffeine (but enough for a pick-me-up).

Green tea, as you probably already know, is loaded with antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which cause aging.

If You are fan of skin care remedy and home DIY recipes, check our library of recipes with all natural skin care ingredients at Sun Sweet Skin. We have sepcial section for Anti Aging Skin Care Recipes too.

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What is a Superfood?

A superfood is a whole food that is very rich in nutrients and health promoting properties. In order to be considered a superfood, it should have a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, co factors and so on... There are a lot of so called superfoods out there, but which ones are truly super? Let's take a look.

Here's some of todays most popular superfoods: spirulina, chlorella, maca, noni, mangosteen, goji berry, acai, camu camu, wheat grass, barley grass and acerola cherry just to name a few. All of these superfoods are very rich in nutrients and do have wonderful health promoting properties. But, which ones truly are the best?

From a purely nutritional stand, spirulina and chlorella are the best over all superfoods. Spirulina has more concentrated vegetable nutrition than any other whole food known. Chlorella is second in nutrients only to spirulina. Both have the widest and most complete assortment of nutrients and health promoting properties of any food known to man. The others superfoods are also healthy, but in more specific areas.

Goji, acai and mangosteen are excellent for antioxidant boosting. Antioxidants are excellent for fighting aging, because they netralize free radicals which are partly responsible for speeding up the aging process by disrupting DNA. So, pick one of these superfoods to boost your antioxidant levels. You can also boost your antioxidants levels by eating more fruit, particularly berries.

Acerola cherry, noni and camu camu are very rich in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids which are known to boost the immune system. By boosting the immune system, your body produces white blood cells to help fight off infections, viruses and disease. These fruits contain some of the richest whole food sources of vitamin c on earth. It is much better to get vitamin c from these fruits than ascorbic acid which is not a complete food and can be toxic in large amounts.

By far the weakest superfoods that are touted by companies are wheat grass and barley grass. They do not have anywhere near the nutritional makeup of spirulina or chlorella, nor do they have any of the specific properties of the other superfoods mentioned above. The grasses certainly are healthy, but I don't consider them particularly super. Despite the many claims that are made for these grasses, the nutritional profile for them is not very impressive. You would be far better off eating a dark leafy green like kale which is incredibly high in many more nutrients. In that light, I do recommend eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables instead of relying solely on supplements and superfoods for your health.

But, supplementation can also help. If you are looking for a superfood supplement, I have done a comparison of almost all them out there. After doing a great deal of research, the best superfood supplement I've found is called VITAFORCE. It not only contains many of the best superfoods, but is the only one I have come across that actually gives you all the vitamins and minerals you need for the day. I have tried most of the others and they make a lot of claims, but their nutritional labels are not complete. Vitaforce is complete and I can recommend it whole heartedly. Best of health.

Scott Malin is rapidly becoming a widely respected writer on the subject of nutrition and detoxification. You can find excellent advice about how to successfully detox in a safe and healthy way at:

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Can Good Nutrition Benefit Your Sex Life

There are 3 main factors that affect the health of a person's libido. They are Stress, Exercise, and Nutrition. A person's sexual health is a reflection of their general health. Aside from exercise and activities to reduce stress, there are many common and not so common nutritional foods available to enhance the libido. Let's take a look at a few of them.

In the most general sense, any nutrition that is good for overall health is also good for the labido. This means drinking plenty of water, getting enough vitamins and antioxidants, fiber, protein, complex carbs, and unsaturated fats from natural sources.

Some of the more specific foods that enhance the libido as well as contributing to overall health are Celery, Avocados, Raw Oysters, Figs, and Chocolate. Of course there are many more, but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Celery is a great source of many vitamins and minerals such as B6, vitamin A and C, dietary fiber, Pantothenic Acid, and Phosphorus (a very important mineral for the libido).

Avocados are low in cholesterol and sodium, high in fiber, and an abundance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids. The potassium also helps to regulate a womans thyroid.

Raw Oyster is known to increase dopamine levels which increases testosterone and boosts sexuality. Oysters also contain zinc and phosphorus, both of which are two primary minerals that enhance libido. Many more vitamins and proteins are found in this food as well as dietary fiber.

Figs are high in amino acid and will not only increase libido but also help with stamina.

Chocolate, or more specifically, dark chocolate that is over 60% cocoa. Chocolate is a good source of antioxidants and contains chemicals that help the libido and create a sense of euphoria. A couple of pieces a day should be enough.

Other not-so-common foods that are also known as super foods are Acai berries, Acerola Cherries, and Goji berries. Acai berries from Brazil are known for their anti-aging nutrients. They contain twice the anti-oxidants of blueberries, which are very potent as well.

Also from Brazil, Acerola Cherries have an abundance of vitamin C and around 150 super nutrients. Goji Berries from Asia has been used by the Chinese for centuries for its health benefits. Did you know that they contain 500 times more vitamin C than oranges? That is on a weight to weight comparison. This wonder food is like a whole food store in one product.

If you want to really improve your overall health and libido, you can do so with a simple visit to your grocery store or organic market (preferable). Fortunately, many foods that a person needs are very common and can be purchased locally. For the more uncommon foods, you can still find those on the internet and order them from their suppliers. A lifestyle which reduces stress, gets regular exercise, and eats the right foods will help a person restore the right balance to their lives and will naturally lead to a healthier libido.

As a mother of three I certainly know what its like to have no libido. Find out more about how I improved my sex life at

Or visit my blog at

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Vitamins and Minerals For Fertility

Various vitamins, minerals and herbs affect the fertility rate, as there is no magical pill or vitamin F for fertility. So, with the help of some of the essential vitamins and minerals on a daily basis, one can increase the fertility rate and have a powerful reproductive system. Here are some of the lists of various vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin C: It has been observed by the study conducted by the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston, which insufficient amounts of vitamin C in a human being's diet lead to infertility. Vitamin C is helpful for both men and women. For women Vitamin C improves the hormone levels, increases the fertility, keeps the immune system healthy and helps the iron to be absorbed. According to the study published in Fertility and Sterility, it has been stated that, Vitamin C improves the hormone level and increases the fertility among the women with luteal phase defect. So, the dosage for woman is 750-1000mg and woman should intake more food articles and acerola cherry or whole food supplements only.

And, for men Vitamin C is helpful in keeping the sperm from clumping and improves the movement. For men, the dosage should be 1,000 mg per day of acerola cherry, and also red bell peppers, oranges and strawberries are great source of Vitamin C.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is very essential for the reproductive system of both the sexes. This potent antioxidant plays an important role in male sperm production. And, the low level of Vitamin E even declines the formation of key sex hormones and enzymes, which is responsible for the production of the sperms in men. So, for men the intake of Vitamin E helps to produce sperms and sex hormones and protects the sperm from mutation. And, among the women it is essential for the endocrine system and absorption of other essential fats which helps in making the good hormones.

The best sources for vitamin E are watercress, dark leafy vegetables, sunflower oil, wheat germ and liver. And, the dosage should be 400IUdaily from the whole food multivitamin.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is useful for the utilization of proteins, minerals, and other vitamins. Vitamin A is mostly found in fed butter, egg yolks, liver, sea foods and Cod liver oil. And, the daily dosage dose for this is 5000 to 10000IU.

Iron: Deficiency in iron often leads to infertility in women. As iron helps build the blood formation which in turn helps in increasing the fertility rate by balancing the ovulation. According to a recent survey conducted on women, those who were having ovulation problems, 40% of them became fertile after taking iron. So, it can be taken in the form of whole food supplement.

L-Arginine: L-Arginine is an amino acid which helps in promoting the synthesis of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Acid is really important for the blood circulation and increases the blood flowing of the uterus, ovaries and genitals, and also Nitric acid is naturally produced by the human body. It effects the sexual stimulation, creates a healthy environment in the uterus for implantation, increases the cervical mucus and extends the fertility for women over 40.

Folic Acid: folic Acid is really essential before becoming pregnant and through pregnancy, as along with this several other nutrients like B12 and B complex are essential. Its recommended dosage is 400 mcg daily.

Neetalia Jones has written numerous articles on skincare Tips, herbal remedies for flawless skin, and ayurvedic treatment of various diseases, parenting, health and lifestyle. She is well known for writing for health industry.

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What Are Organic Vitamins and Why Should You Care?

It is important to know that 95% of supplements on the market are synthetic, i.e. they are created in a lab. The other 5% are organic whole food supplements and are simply food in concentrated form.

There is a subtle but crucial difference between synthetic supplements, organic vitamins and whole food supplements. Supplements and/or vitamins, neither synthetic no organic, were intended to be taken in isolation.

A great example of a whole food supplement is acerola cherry powder. The acerola cherry is a rich source of Vitamin C. Basically, the cherries are dried and crushed to create a powder which is mixed into water or juice. As far as your body is concerned you are eating handful of cherries which are full of Vitamin C!

Most of us know that the orange is a great food source of Vitamin C. The reason is that every other substance in the orange works synergistically with the Vitamin C in the body for maximum absorption. A plain Vitamin C tablet usually does not contain these other 'co-factors' which allow your body to reap maximum benefit.

Generally, if we are eating a well rounded diet of veggies, fruits, grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, and meats and avoiding white sugar, processed products and denatured foods then we should be getting all of the vitamins we need.

The reality is that most of us are not doing this and even if we were we would probably not be getting what we need. Why not?

First of all, each person has different vitamin requirements based on their genetics, diet, lifestyle and environmental stress load. Believe it or not genetics can play a role in how much say, Vitamin A, you require. Even if you have a wonderful diet full of whole unprocessed foods...

much of the soil on our farmlands has been so depleted that what looks like spinach in 2008 probably bears little resemblance nutritionally to spinach from 1950.

The caveat to this, of course, is produce that is grown organically

In this modern era of focus on diet and nutrition...whole foods, organics and supplements have become buzz words. It is all at once easy to get hopelessly confused or to completely ignore the overload of information on the subject of vitamins both in food and in supplement form.

It becomes counterproductive to over think your nutritional and vitamin intake, but it is also unwise to ignore it. While we can live without enough of a certain vitamin for a while, in the long term a vitamin deficiency is a precursor to all sorts of health problems.

For example, Vitamin D deficiency is being linked to cancer, heart disease, susceptibility to colds and flus and a host of other problems. Most people who eat a typical American diet tend to be deficient somewhere.

Another factor that depletes our vitamin stores is stress, a.k.a. a lack of sleep, busy hectic lifestyle, lack of exercise and toxins in our homes and environment. So what about taking vitamins and supplements and even more important, why should you take an organic vitamin?

A high-quality, organic, vitamin supplement made from food can be a wonderful way to ensure that your body is getting what it needs. Granted supplements are not a substitute for a quality diet rich in whole foods, they can be a wise addition to any diet. A good quality organic vitamin or supplement has the power to help your body heal through an illness or simply to act as an insurance policy of sorts to prevent future illness.

We have created a comprehensive resource for organic health and wellness to help you find the ind of quality nutrition your body needs. You can find information about organic vitamins, organic skincare and overall wellness at [].

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Male Natural Enhancement - 5 Foods, Herbs and Exercises

This article will bring out the many techniques and foods that will help the man get his sexual life back on gear without much ado.

Some people really fear the exercise part of enhancing the male sexual organ hence for them exercise is a no go zone, but they would rather take the food or herbs as a solution. So the food that you eat is also a big boost in male natural enhancement. Incase one wants a faster enhancement solution then pills might be a right idea but they might have some side effects. Taking your time in the groceries might prove to be a better solution for your male natural enhancement so make a trial today

Foods you eat that might enhance your sexuality naturally

First of all make sure you get a well balanced diet that will make sure your body is well maintained. Make sure your food has the whole, unrefined and fresh unprocessed foods. The fruits should be included to boost good blood flow and release of important sexual hormones in the glands and brain.

Make sure you eat fish from cold water bodies that include salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines so that necessary high density cholesterol is included in your blood stream and body for smooth flow of blood to all part of the body the penis included. The following samples of foods will be vital in your male natural enhancement struggle hence make sure you try them out.

Berries and Cherries: the acai and acerola berries and cherries respectively are a great boost to male erectile solution. The acai has antocyanin that helps in making sure the brain is well functioning while the acerola has vitamin C concentration which is important in your general well being

Bananas: bananas are well known as s sources of potassium, but it can as well be that heart beat regulator that will help reduce blood pressure and help the nerves as well. Tomatoes can also be a good replacement for bananas

Fish that has omega 3: Tuna, salmon and mackerel are all known for their vast storage of omega 3 which is a good friend of the heart. They will also keep prostate cancer at bay

Cabbages: the cabbage is not only good for cancer patients but can also be eaten as natural enhancement.the vitamin C, beta carotene and potassium will do great job in making sure your time in bed is a worth experience.

Snails: Zinc is an important companion to enhancement and the snail is a good source of the zinc so it also falls in the most important foods that you eat to boost your sex drive. Remember that the foods should be great for blood flow so that you can achieve that hard erection.

Herbs and exercises

Take your time out with a herbalist who will inform you of the most effective herbs that work out the solution to poor sex life. The Korean re-ginseng and puca are well known for that job so make a date with them.

Use of penis exercise is also a great male natural enhancement and should be done frequently for improvement. Use of penis stretches, kegel exercises and jelquing will help in lengthening the penile size

Related Articles Male Enhancement Product
Natural Male Enhancement

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Summer Skin Care Tips to Keep Your Skin Safe

Summer skin care is often one of the most widely overlooked things as we set out to enjoy the summer weather. So, if you have decided to hit the beaches this summer, don't forget you have to contend with the blazing sun that can cause havoc with your tender skin.

Being savvy about summer skin care is one of the most important things that can save your skin and keep it glowing even in peak summer! And it is very important to remember that, without paying attention to the dangers that summer the summer season (intense sun, increased skin exposure), you are taking all kinds of risks.

The dangers of exposing your skin to the rays of the sun during summer can include the following:

• early aging and formation of wrinkles
• breakouts of blackheads
• whiteheads
• acne and pimples
• cracked and peeling skin
• lip sores
• blotchy skin
• sun burn (of course)

Nobody wants to go out in the sun wearing makeup that slowly mingles with your sweat and finally drips down your face! Avoid wearing oil based foundations and heavy makeup. Toners and foaming cleansers will keep your skin free from dirt and oil. Moisturizers and creams that have anti-oxidant ingredients are good for summer skin.

Products like eye care gel and sun protection creams are marketed under reliable brand names and can be tried. Information on the same can be accessed on the internet. Acerola lotion made from the acerola berry and rich in Vitamin C helps your summer skin routine by keeping your skin shine free and oil free! Ageing skin is dreaded by one and all and care taken to keep those wrinkles at bay is important. Make sure your diet includes a lot of milk, fruit and vegetables. Vitamin E will keep shadows and scars away!

Summer skin care should include not only the skin of your face but your whole body. Your eyes can have that sparkling fresh look if you use eye repair serums, and eye care gels that are not only refreshing but keep the crow's feet around your eyes away! Applying cotton pads soaked in milk and cucumber paste will have a cooling and soothing effect on your eyes. This will help your eye muscles relax.

Soap can cause your skin to get really dry and can rob your skin of all moisture. Instead use gel cleansers that are not so rough on your skin. Enjoy your summer and pay attention about your summer skin care!

Mahogany H has spent a decade signed to top modeling agencies internationally. Her beauty insight and passion for skin care is channeled into an informative site aimed at helping acne sufferers get clear skin.

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Eiro Research Product Review

Eiro Research recently pre-launched in the spring of 2009, a network marketing company, based out of Garland Texas. The company is part of the health and wellness industry, projected to soon approach a trillion dollar industry. Health and nutrition products is the base foundation for the company product line, currently only having two products. However, soon they will release more products as they begin official launch operations, which is scheduled for October 2009.

The current Eiro Research Product line consists of two products:


According to the company, is a super anti-oxidant nutriceutical that is comprised of a five fruit proprietary blend. The fruit blend includes, Caja, Acai, Acerola, Camu Camu and Pomegranate. Each having unique properties that aide in the fight against free radical damage in your body. Caja, is a first to market fruit that has high levels of potassium, calcium, iron and it is also rich in vitamins c and b. Acai, a well known berry, has high antioxidant properties, Acerola is rich in b complex and vitamin c, Camu Camu is known for vitamin C and Pomegranate is also known for the B complex.

Some of the benefits of this product line include support for cardio function, energy and stamina as well as reducing free radical damage to the body.

Eiro Energy:

Is an energy drink released as an alternative to the un healthy drinks on the market today that consist of stimulants and harsh ingredients. Formulated with natural sources of energy this product contains, guarana (natural caffeine), green tea, ginko biloba and ginseng. In addition the Eiro Energy Product provides consumers with important vitamins.

From our Eiro Product Review, we can safely argue that the products released by this company have value and are beneficial to consume for those interested in health and wellness.

If you are interested in building this as a business the company is real and provides a viable business opportunity. To successfully grow this business you will need to recruit other reps by approaching friends, family and associates to review this business. In addition, you will need to sell products to your network of people. If these activities are comfortable for you, than the Eiro Research Product line makes sense. If not, I would consider continuing to look for an internet based product and company to learn the skills to make money online as an alternative.

Joshua Valentine is a top internet marketer who works with people from around the world teaching them how to create success in their lives leveraging the power of the internet. To learn more about Joshua Valentine or to read more reviews similar to Eiro Product Review visit his review website at

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

5 Things About Low Glycemic Foods You Need to Know

Low glycemic foods are helpful for weight control because they control your appetite by making you feel fuller between meals. Low glycemic diets have also shown to reduce insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

About The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) ranks carbohydrates based on a scale from 0 to 100 that measures the degree to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating.

Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low GI foods are those which are slowly digested and absorbed and result in gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Here are 5 tips about low GI foods you must know:

1. High Glycemic Foods And Health Risks

High GI diets have numerous health risks such as increased serum triglyceride levels (fat in the bloodstream)and decreased HDL cholesterol ("good cholesterol")levels, diabetes (type 2) and increased serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation which are predictors of cardiovascular disease.

2. Glycemic Index Ranking:

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the degree carbohydrates in a food raise blood sugar (glucose) levels after being consumed. Below is the GI ranking scale:

-High Glycemic Food-70 and above
-Medium Glycemic Food-56-69
-Low Glycemic Food-55 and below

3. Benefits Of Low Glycemic Foods:

High GI foods can be detrimental to your health especially if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to a diet consisting mainly low glycemic carbs and lean proteins will keep your blood sugar and energy levels better balanced and you'll feel fuller for longer.

4. Lower GI foods have several health benefits:

Weight control, reduced body fat and lower cholesterol are just a few benefits a low GI diet.

5. How To Switch To A Low GI Diet

Switching to a low GI diet can be easily achieved by swapping higher GI foods for lower glycemic carbs. You don't need to count numbers to eat a healthy, low GI diet. An even easier way is to use a low glycemic cookbook with quick, easy to prepare recipes done for you.

Kevin Yates utilizes his 10 years of knowledge & experience as a functional training coach by combining physical rehabilitation and fitness to help formerly active individuals correct muscle imbalances and eliminate nagging injuries that have prevented them from achieving their fitness goals.

Visit Functional Training and get these free reports "The 10 BIGGEST Core Training Mistakes" & "5 Steps To Correct Muscular Imbalances"

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Iron Rich Foods

Iron is extremely important for basic metabolic processes and is a building block of many proteins and enzymes that maintain good health. It is an essential component of proteins involved in oxygen transport and is necessary for the regulation of cell growth. A deficiency of iron limits oxygen delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue, poor work performance, and a diminished immune system; whereas excess amounts of iron in the diet can result in toxicity and increased morbidity. Although iron supplementation is accessible, it is not advisable unless you have been diagnosed with anemia. The best and most bioavailable way to increase and maintain a good level of iron is through food sources.

The highest and most useful sources of iron are heme sources - meats and eggs. But if you are a vegetarian other options for iron intake is available but should be eaten with a vitamin C source for proper absorption.

Some herbs that have a lot of iron that you can add to your diet in tea form or as a tincture mixed with juice - chickweed, catnip, burdock root, parsley, and alfalfa (in order of potency) Another wonderful iron rich herb is kelp; you can sprinkle it on rice or potatoes, mix in with your scrambled eggs or put it in soups. It is often found in the bulk spice isle of your local market in granulated form. Kelp has a wide spectrum of minerals and is extremely high in iron - 2T has all the DV of minerals for an adult! Plus it is very flavorful.


Dried beans
Winter squash
Sweet potatoes
Meat & poultry (beef, beef & chicken liver, pork, turkey, chicken)
Greens (spinach, broccoli, beet, tomato)
Egg yolks
Dried fruit (figs, apricots, prunes, raisins)
Prune juice
Grains (cooked cracked wheat, wheat germ, cornmeal, millet, brown rice, farina, bran, breads, iron fortified cereals)
Blackstrap molasses (try adding a little to oatmeal, or in cookies)
Brewer's yeast
Shellfish (clams, oysters, shrimp)


Citrus fruits
Green vegetables (such as broccoli and spinach)
Fortified fruit juices with Vitamin C

© 2009 Christen Peattie, HHP

Learn more about how to obtain optimum health at Green Heart Health
Christen Peattie, HHP is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Homeopath and Holistic Nutritionist

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Vitamins Are Always a Good Thing

Doctors have been telling us for centuries that vitamins are always a good thing. Take vitamins and there is a chance at a longer life. Is it true? When we take vitamins, we are adding extra nutrients into our body which are flushed away from the different foods that we eat on a day to day basis. Vitamins offer many benefits to our bodies. From energy to iron, vitamins can give you that extra boost you need in the morning rather than drinking 5-6 cups of coffee.

So put down that coffee mug and double espresso and jump on the bandwagon of vitamins. They offer help to your body and can improve the way you live your life. There are benefits like better memory and better sleep in forms of tablets. A multi-vitamin can give you your required doses of fish oil, Vitamin A, B, and C. With the many nutrients entering your body, you will be able to do your tasks quicker and more efficiently.

Vitamins have been favored by doctors to longer life and healthier living. There are speculators who feel that vitamins are only another drug to add to the collection Doctors are trying to force at you. This is not true. Ever since the discovery that vitamins help your body, scientists have proven that vitamins are always a good thing. There are chemicals in the vitamins that compliment longer life and healthier life. Many people argue that through taking vitamins, you become dependent on the vitamin to solve your problems. This is the same for coffee for people. Does it of does it not solve a temporary problem of tiredness? Yes, but vitamins help with the tiredness by disbursing it throughout the day. Through this method, vitamins prove to be more valuable to the businessman who is always tired and groggy in the morning.

So whether you are a groggy, tired coffee drinker or a energy minded fanatic, vitamins are for you. Doctors have proven that through the use of vitamins, you can extend your lifespan and live a happier and healthier life. Be sure to talk to your primary care physician before undertaking any new changes to what you're currently taking. Enjoy life, take vitamins.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of the number one source of internet guidance.

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An Apple a Day Equals Energy

Dentists have been telling the world an apple a day keeps the dentist away. But there are other innuendos in that little rhyme. An apple a day equals energy. Energy is found in an apple and other fruits and vegetables. A new television program called "Lazy town" offers children to learn about fruits and exercise. Through dancing and singing, children learn as adults learn what is good for your body and what isn't. The television show is among others which teach exercise and energy.

Apples have been a source of nutrition for a while. It takes the media to emphasize the importance before anyone decides that it is a good idea. The media offers educational advice that makes us tune in to the information. By changing habits and shopping at markets which specialize in fruits and vegetables, you can really drop the pounds and get a load of energy. Through eating the right apples and not the apples you find at the grocery store which are bruise and rotten, you will gain the full amount of energy.

Farmer Markets have become recently popular in the recent months because apples are a source of energy and nutrition. Farmers Markets offer their fruits fresh and ready to be bought. In grocery stores, the want of good fruit is apparent, but if you were to get the best feel of energy, people say to hunt down markets which have fresh fruit.

Doctors have a list of reasons why an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This list includes:

1. Apples are packed with Vitamin C

2. Apples prevent heart disease-

3. Little to no calories

4. Prevent cancers

The list continues to include healthier lungs, teeth, and prevents you from getting brain disease. Apples have been often referred to as "Brain Food". Apples are a good source of many things that help your body. We as a people are always looking for healthy things to improve the way we live our lives, the way we move, and, more importantly, the way we feel.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of the number one source of internet guidance.

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Health Benefits of Avocados

Whether this is a nice avocado dip for some chips are simply eating an avocado plain, there are many benefits of adding this fruit into your diet. Avocados are high in fat people say. This is true. However, this is a healthy fat. A healthy fat means that our bodies need a fat content every day. Some people think this is eating a candy bar or ice-cream. This is not the best choice to make. An avocado has the healthy fat content which your body needs. There are many other benefits to eating avocados. Some benefits include:

1. Boost your sex drive- Avocados have a nutrient that promotes a healthy sex drive, The avocado offers an ingredient that helps with those suffering from sexual problems and turns them into no problem at all.

2. Great antioxidant to help with skin disorders- Through eating avocados often, you promote skin care through the antioxidants that help you skin regenerate healthier components to your skin. Through gaining healthier components in your skin, your skin has a better look to it.

3. Avocado Paste can cure rough skin- By placing the avocado paste on your rash or rough skin, the avocado works as a lotion and softens the rough skin and diminishes the rash.

4. Prevents Cancer- Cancer is always a big scare to everyone. You never know if you are at risk. Eating avocados, you are more protected from getting cancer because of the avocado's beta-carotene. With this component, you are easily protected more then if you would not eat avocados.

Eating avocados can really change your whole body map. There are many benefits in eating fruit and avocados are no different. By increasing the intake of fruits like avocados, you are more likely being able to see the full benefits of the avocado. Above are only a few of the benefits of avocados. It is always good to consult your doctor first to make sure you don't have any allergies to the beneficial fruit.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of the number one source of internet guidance.

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Health Benefits of Ginger

Many different people are searching for different healthy ways to improve a sickness, pain, or simple discomfort. By taking in herbs and spices, you can improve the outcome instead of doing nothing. Herbs and spices have helped with many illnesses in the past, and continue to help when you find the right one. Ginger has many benefits to help you get through the day or even help in future endeavors. Some ways ginger helps are:

1. Digestive system- Ginger helps with breaking down your food. The digestive component of your body is helped with the small amount of ginger you give it. This could not only help you for now when you feel a little blotted, but helps in the long run with a healthier digestive system.

2. Morning sickness- Ginger helps a good deal with morning sickness for soon to be mothers. Being pregnant is a blessing, but puking every minute is not. Take a little bit of ginger to settle the sickening feeling. Every pregnant woman wants to stop praying to the porcelain god every hour.

3. Motion sickness- Whether you are on a ship or even in a fast moving car, sometimes you get that sick feeling in your stomach. By taking some ginger, your stomach will settle and you will be able to continue to what you were doing on the boat, or pay more attention to the road. Nobody wants to wrap their car around a tree.

4. Promotes circulation- This is circulation promoted to the pelvic region. By giving circulation to the pelvic region, this helps promote health in the reproductive systems. Ginger helps boost reproductive systems in both males and females. This could help you in many ways.

Ginger alone may not taste good. By using ginger in your cooking, you are able to help your body with every meal you eat. Focusing on your health is very important. If you are focusing on your health, you are helping now the lifespan you may have. Everyone wants to be healthy. Nobody wants to be one of the statistics and not be healthy. Taking on any herb should be addressed with your doctor. Think healthy.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of the number one source of internet guidance.

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Health Benefits of Pineapple

Health has been the newest thing to care about. People's health is important to them now more that ever. With the many diet programs and healthy food watchers, fruit especially has become the better snack to eat. By eating fruit, you gain benefits that will benefit your life. The long life span that you can have from eating fruits is what everyone is looking for. One such fruit is pineapple.

There are many benefits for eating pineapple. Pineapple is full of vitamins and nutrients. All fruits are full of nutrients. However, pineapple has more benefits than just being packed with vitamins and nutrients. Pineapple benefits are also:

1. Strengthens weak bones- Ever kneel down and you hear that slight pop of your bones? If you have this is a sign that you are not getting enough iron in your body. Pineapple helps strengthen your bones so you won't have to worry about that pop turning into a snap.

2. Good for Gums- Your gums are very important to keep healthy. The gums hold the teeth in place and your teeth would be in bad condition if you have unhealthy gums. By eating pineapple, you are strengthening your gums to make it through the hard years later.

3. Prevents Macular Degeneration- Eating pineapple prevents from many diseases. One such is Macular Degeneration. This is when your bones determinate through the disease. It causes death. However, eating pineapple degreases your chances by 36%. You can feel safe from this horrible disease.

4. Helps Arthritis- Those who have arthritis pain, eating pineapples can reduce the pain of arthritis and for those who do not have arthritis, pineapple prevents the disease by strengthening your bones and giving extra iron to your bones.

When you eat pineapples, you have a better chance at having a healthier life. Doctors have been preaching the eating of fruits for centuries. There is always good things that come from fruits. Be aware of all the benefits of the fruit you eat so you know what you are lacking for the day. Our bodies need a certain amount of nutrients and vitamins a day. By eating fruit, we have a happy, healthier life.

Dr. Barry Lycka is President of the number one source of internet guidance.

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Recommended Foods For the Mediterranean Diet Rich in Heart-Healthy Fibers and Nutrients

Today, the world is faced with all kinds of crises: global crisis, environmental crisis and now health crisis. In the United States alone, studies revealed that $2.1 trillion has been spent for medical care, which is around 16.5% of the GNP. You can just imagine what is happening worldwide on the subject of health. As a responsible person, you try to discover a solution to this problem. One of the best solutions is to adopt a good diet plan, and one that is highly recommended is the Mediterranean Diet.

People, living along the Mediterranean Basin particularly in Greece, Crete, Southern France and some parts of Italy, enjoy better health and live longer. Researchers discovered that it is mainly from the foods they eat, which are rich in heart-healthy fiber and nutrients. This is known as the Mediterranean Diet.

The dietary pattern contains the following:

o Plant food (fruit, vegetable, bread and other cereals, beans, nuts and seeds) which are least processed and recently harvested; newly picked fruits as a usual dessert
o Sweets either nut or olive oil-based, intensified sweets and honey eaten as holiday fare
o Lipid-rich olive oil or canola oil
o Dairy products (yoghurt and cheese) consumed in small amount
o Eggs lesser than 4 times weekly
o Red meat in very minimal amounts
o Red wine taken during meals

The Food Pyramid is arranged like this:

In the bottom are the carbohydrates like bread, cereal and wheat;
In the 2nd level and occupying the same line, are vegetables, legumes, nuts and fruits
In the 3rd level is olive oil
In level 4 are dairy products
In the 5th level is fish
Level 6 include poultry
In level 7 are eggs
In level 8 are sweets
In level 9 the least beneficial, is red meat.

In amount of intake: the bottom level until level 4 is taken daily; level 5 until 8 are taken a few times per week and level 9 is taken only in fewer amounts once or twice per month.

Benefits from the Mediterranean Diet are loss in weight, decrease in the incidence of heart disease, reduces the risk of cancer, prevention or a delay in the development of Parkinson, Alzheimer's diseases and pre-Diabetes.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

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Vegetarian Diet to Your Rescue - Best Fuel For Our Immune System

Our immune system mounts such an exceptional coordinated defense system against invaders that it still continues to baffle scientists! Despite the marvels of modern science, no substitute can be found for the immune system. Our immune system is the best doctor in the world - it is most powerful and effective than any drug. To keep this internal army in prime condition, vegetables and fruits diet is the answer.

In war, the stronger army wins while the weaker army quickly succumbs to invasion. Our body works in the same way. When germs attack, a healthy immune system instantly fights them. Only when our immune system is malnourished or weak do we fall seriously ill or even die from infections.

Take the example of two people exposed to the same recent swine flu break out. One falls seriously ill but the other doesn't. Although they face the same viral threat, only the person with a weak immune system becomes sick with the flu.

Studies by World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that as developing countries become increasingly urbanized, even traditionally vegetarian societies such as the Chinese and Indians are choosing high-fat, meat-rich diets over high-vegetable ones. The report also mentioned that the prevalence of heart disease in China and India is higher than all developed countries put together. India is thought to have the world's largest diabetic population.

In contrast, South Korea, which still follows a high-vegetable diet, shows lower fat intake and lower rates of chronic diseases than countries of similar economic status.

The statistic above is due to the fact that our immune system thrives on a healthy diet and good rest, poor nutrition and stress can make us fall ill more easily.

Wholesome plant foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Certain plant foods, like soy are also rich in protein. Experts have stated that vegetables and fruits provide approximated 40 nutrients or more. For example, an orange provides us with a healthy amount of vitamin C, in addition to beta-carotene, d-Limonene, folic acid, potassium, calcium and many other nutrients.

Scientists attribute the disease-fighting capability of plant foods to an arsenal of compounds - antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides. Antioxidants and phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color, flavor, aroma and a strong disease-fighting capability. For example, an apple a day may really keep heart doctors away as it provides 20% of our daily fiber needs. A medium stalk of broccoli has more than double the recommended quota of vitamin C and calcium comparable to an equal serving of milk. Cactus fruits are said to have seven times more antioxidant effect than vitamin C.

All of us would like to live long, healthy lives, free of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis. But an overwhelming majority of us still eat unhealthy foods whenever we want and as much as we want, without considering the consequences.

If we choose the best fuel for our vehicles, why don't we do the same for our bodies?

You can prepare your own nutritious vegetables and fruits meals today, grab a free copy of over 50 healthy vegetarian recipes at
Eat healthy, stay healthy!

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Comparing Nutritional Products, Why You Should Do it and How?

Find out how different nutritional products stand up to their major competitors, and why it should be a concern for you. Only three extremely well known companies are compared side to side because of space limitations in this revealing one of a kind comparative study. This study is designed to give you the tools you need to do your own comparisons on any and all nutritional products that you are currently considering.

While searching for a liquid supplement, you should take the time to do comparisons on as many different products as needed to make an intelligent decision that is right for you and your family. I should also mention the fact that all three of these companies are multi level business opportunities too. We won't go into the businesses or pay plans in this article, that's altogether another subject. The purpose of this article is to give you the feeling of what a comparison should look like.

Therefore, I have purposely left the companies names out so as not to give them undo advertising benefits but rather to give you the reader a look at how extremely different nutritional products can be. And so, I have nicknamed them Company A, Company B and Company C to provide anonymity. The main exercise here is to bring up the ingredient lists side by side plus compare the cost factor to obtain the best value.

The nutritional facts of the three companies products collected right from their websites are as follows:


Company A, a recognized leader and well known, Liquid nutrtional, long established company.

Mangosteen Plus" Supplement Facts Serving Size 2 Tbsp (1 fl oz / 30 mL) Serving Per Container 32 Calories 20 Total Carbohydrates 5 g 2%* Sugars 5 g Vitamin A (100% as beta carotene) 2500 IU 50% Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 300 mg 500% Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 1000 IU 250% Vitamin E (as d- alpha tocopheryl acetate) 60 IU 200% 64 Trace minerals Thiamin (as thiamine hydrochloride) 1.5 mg 100% Riboflavin (as riboflavin U.S.P.) 1.7 mg 100% Niacin (as niacinamide) 20 mg 100% Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg 250% Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200% Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 15 mcg 250% Biotin (as d- Biotin) 300 mcg 100% Pantothenic Acid (as calcium d-pantothenate) 10 mg 100% Selenium (as selenium amino acid chelate) Proprietary Wildcrafted Mangosteen, Glyconutrient-Rich Aloe Vera and Organic Green Tea Blend 25.2 g Reconstituted Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) (fruit), Aloe Vera Gel (leaf), Green Tea (leaf) (decaffeinated), Mangosteen Extract (pericarp) (standardized 10% xanthones) Other ingredients: natural fructose, natural flavors, potassium sorbate (flavor protection), sodium benzoate (flavor protection), malic acid and xanthan gum.


Company B, one of the more popular liquid supplmental companies.

ACAI BERRY, ACEROLA, APRICOT, ARONIA, BANANA, BILBERRY, BLUEBERRY, CAMU CAMU, CRANBERRY, KIWI, LYCHEE FRUIT, NASHI PEAR, PASSION FRUIT, PEAR, POMEGRANATE, PRUNE, PURPLE GRAPE, WHITE GRAPE, WOLFBERRY (Goji). The potassium level in their Original and new Active formulation is approximately 62-66 mg per one ounce. Company B's products contain no potassium additives, grapefruit, or cantaloupe. The potassium in their products comes naturally from the fruits.

The vitamin K level in Company B's Original and Active Formula is approximately 12.4ug per one ounce.


Company C. A well known Vitamin company.

Vitamins A, C D, E, K, B-Complex, Folic Acid FULL NUTRIENT PROFILE OF FAT & WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS Minerals Calcium; Magnesium, Boron, Selenium, Copper, Zinc Manganese, Potassium ESSENTIAL & NON-ESSENTIAL MINERAL COMPLEX

Trace Mineral Complex 100 MG BLEND Rhodiola rosea; Alpha Lipoid Acid; Grape Seed Extract; Co-Enzyme Q-10 BODY-DEFENDING IMMUNE ENHANCERS

Super Energizing Blend L-Carnitine; Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) from Green Tea Leaf Extract, Acai Fruit, Glucoranolactone, Schizandra Seed Extract, Eleutherococcus senticosus Root Extract plus Vitamin B-12 Calcium;Magnesium; MSM; Quercetin; Boron, Copper; Aloe; Bioflavonoids, C BONE & JOINT SUPPORT

High ORAC PhytoNutrient Blend: Wolfberry (Goji Berry), Mangostene, Pomegranate; VegActiveTM & HiActiveTM Complex: Broccoli, Broccoli Sprouts Extract, Tomato Powder, Carrot Powder, Spinach Powder, Kale Powder, Brussel Sprouts Powder, Onion Extract; Sulphoraphane; Acai; EGCG 2500 ORAC UNITS OF POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT

Rhodiola rosea; Alpha Lipoid Acid; Grape Seed Extract; Co-Enzyme Q-10 BODY-DEFENDING IMMUNE ENHANCERS

Aloe Leaf

Calcium; Magnesium; MSM; Quercetin; Boron, Copper; Aloe; Bioflavonoids, C BONE & JOINT SUPPORT

l-Glutamine; Vitamin B-12; L-Theanine; Co-Q-10; Rhodiola SUPER ENERGIZERS L-Theanine; B-12; B-Complex; Chromium Picolinate; Rhodiola *

Rhodiola rosea; Vitamins C & E; Grapeseed; ALA

Vitamin A; Carotenoids; Lutein;

Vitamin E; Rhodiola; Co-Q-10; Grapeseed; ALA HEALTHY HEART NUTRIENTS B-Complex; Vitamin C; Rhodiola rosea; L-Theanine


Now for the price comparison which is equally as important when considering a nutritional supplement to increase your energy and keep your body's internal systems functioning at their optimum level.

These prices are also taken from their respective websites and are the lowest possible prices which usually means that you are purchasing the product as a company representative on autoship every month.

Company A - $60.00 for a one month supply per person. Company B - $39.00 for a one month supply per person. Company C - $20.00 for a one month supply per person.

To sum it all up, I hope that this comparative study will encourage you to do your own side by side comparisons of any and all vitamin, antioxidant or nutritional products that you may be considering purchasing. It's important for you and your family to get all the daily nutrition that they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As you can see, In this particular comparison we feel that Company C gives "the most bang for your buck." A little research can go a long way and doesn't take that much time. The benefit to you in the long run will be to get the best product at the most cost effective price that is available anywhere. Here's to your health.

Tom Munson has a complete comparison on all the different companies products for you to use. Just go to my website and sign up for "The Truth About Liquid Vitamins"

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What is Monavie?

Many of you have heard about a new health drink by the name of monavie. you have also probably heard about how it has helped people lower their A1C's. So, to further analyse this product I decided to see if it lives up to its reputation.

First of all, I have two friends who have used the product and had great success. One lowered her A1C by a point and the other by .7. Neither one of these people are in any way affiliated with monavie. Personally, I have not tried it yet, but after hearing of my friends success stories I decided to purchase some myself. I bought a months supply and will post my results.

So, most of you are probably wondering what exactly is this product composed of? Does it have some special, magic healing powers? The answer is no, but it soes have some common and rare ingredients that have been known for centuries to make you healthier. Rare ingredients like bilberries, black chokeberries, wolfberries, and the acerola cherry are in the mix. Other, more common fruits that have antioxidants are also included. You may find many "monavie scam" articles, but the truth is that these ingredients can help your body and can help with diabetes. Do you have to buy monavie in order to get these ingredients? No. Is it easier and more convenient to buy monavie than to go out and buy all of those ingredients? Yes. If your skeptical about the product, then my advice is to do what I'm doing.

For more information about monavie and understanding diabetes, visit the Diabetes Hotline.

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Monavie and Acid Reflux

Monavie a nutritious juice made from acai berry overcomes acid reflux. Since the nutritive properties of Monavie are lost within a span of 24 hours of harvesting, the berries are frozen immediately after picking. Monavie is a blessing which is acquired from the Amazon forest. It has multi-curative properties and it is considered to be a gift for mankind. The level of wellness that it provides is amazing. The berry which was used by the inhabitants of the Amazon forest since ages has come into limelight only recently.

By including Monavie in our daily diet our body will be nourished with vitamins and minerals and it will protect our body from unexpected damages and illnesses. Consuming 1oz of Monavie twice a day relieves you from acid-reflux. It is worth every money spent. Do not think twice even if its cost is $ 40, because health is more important than wealth. Besides it's a natural product so you need not worry about its side-effects.

The antioxidant present in this miracle juice restores and protects the damaged lower esophagus and its acid curbing properties minimizes the acid contents in the stomach thus relieving people from acid- reflux. This is one of the many benefits of consuming Monavie.

The uncomfortable felling and anxiety that comes with acid-reflux is now taken care of by Monavie, thus leading to tension free and healthy living.

The fruity taste of monavie is liked by all. It's amazing healing powers has made monavie a topic of discussion. Besides the acai berry, there 19 other fruits are used in preparing it. They are white grape, pomegranate, kiwi, pear, nashi pear, purple grape, aronia, banana, cranberry, prune, apricot, acerola, passionpride, blueberry, wolfberry, lychee and camu camu.

These delicious nutrients aid digestion and wards off acid reflux. Monavie eliminates the pains and aches from our body, make our body toxin free and makes you feel invigorated.

Studies show that, having relieved people from the panicky acid-reflux, people have begun enjoying life more. Consuming Monavie enable you to sleep throughout the night peacefully, makes you feel energetic and recharged to face the whole day.

People who have been ailing from acid-reflux since years have been relieved by Monavie within 3 days. The gleam seen in the eyes of people who are cured is worth noticing.

Monavie improves your quality of life. Monavie and healthy life are interconnected. When you are relieved of acid reflux, you sleep well and gain more energy leading to quality life.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about Monavie and Acid Reflux [] visit The Pain Of Acid Reflux Disease [] for current articles and discussions.

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How to Make Baby Formula at Home

It is an undisputed fact that breast milk is best for your baby. If for whatever reason, you are unable to breastfeed, or you choose not to breastfeed, there are other options you can choose instead of going directly for store-bought dry baby formula. Though it may take a little extra time out of your busy "Mommy Schedule", you can make baby formula at home. You can choose a milk-based formula which is the most common form of homemade formulas.

Breast milk is rich in whey, lactose, vitamin C, niacin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This milk-based formula takes all of those ingredients into consideration in preparation. Adding gelatin to the formula will help with any constipation issues that may arise with a homemade formula and will give digestion a boost. When using a milk formula, it is important to buy an organically based product, free of disease and additives from cows which are pasture fed. This will ensure that your baby is getting its optimum nutrition. If you are unable to find organic milk in your area, the next best option is to get whole milk at the store. Make sure that it is unhomogenized. In order to restore the enzymes that will be lacking in the whole milk, you will need to add piima or kefir culture to the milk.

The make baby formula at home recipe from Radiant Life Catalog is as follows:

2 cups whole milk, preferably unprocessed milk from pasture-fed cows
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below) Note: Do NOT use whey from making cheese--it will cause the formula to curdle. Use only homemade whey made from yoghurt, kefir or separated raw milk.
4 tablespoons lactose*
1/4 teaspoon bifidobacterium infantis**
2 or more tablespoons good quality cream (not ultra pasteurized), more if you are using milk from Holstein cows
1 teaspoon regular dose cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil*
1 teaspoon expeller-expressed sunflower oil*
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil*
2 teaspoons coconut oil*
2 teaspoons Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes*
2 teaspoons gelatin*
1 7/8 cups filtered water
1/4 teaspoon acerola powder*

Matt writes more about make baby formula at

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Does New Fruit2day Rival Fresh Fruit?

Back in May of this year, a new product was released in the US by the international company Hero/WhiteWave. Called Fruit2day, this fruit drink is intended to help busy people everywhere increase their consumption of fruit.

What is Fruit2day?

Here is the introduction on the Fruit2day website:

No doubt about it, fruit does wonders for your health.

Can't argue with that one. Let's keep going:

But it's tough to get your fill with an on-the-go lifestyle.

Hmm. Apparently whoever wrote this has never heard of bananas.

Now there's a new way to eat fruit.

As opposed to chewing and swallowing, I suppose.

It's not that we changed fruit. We just discovered that dicing-up real fruit into little bits and adding them to rich blends of all-natural juice and puree tastes really, really good.

Yes, we know. It's called a smoothie. Or, if you want to get all fancy on me, a fruit soup.

So drink it, sip it, chew it and enjoy two servings of fruit like you never have before.

Oh boy...I can't wait... :roll:

Alright...Enough With The Sarcasm

The stuff can't really be all that bad. I mean it is real fruit, right? And, as the label says, "No added sugars." And I'm all for increasing consumer awareness and encouraging people to eat more fruit. But does Fruit2day really rival the nutrient quality, taste, cost, or portability of fresh fruit?


If you take a look at what's actually in any one of the four Fruit2day flavors, you will notice that the majority of the ingredients are fruit juices.

Here's the ingredient list for Strawberry Orange:

•strawberry pieces
•apple juice from concentrate
•white grape juice from concentrate
•orange juice with pulp from concentrate
•banana puree
•pineapple pieces and puree
•aronia berry juice from concentrate
•acerola cherry juice from concentrate
•natural flavor

9 ingredients, 5 of which are juices.

The problem with juicing fruit is that vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals are lost in the process. This includes vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and fiber. And why do we need fiber? Quite simply:

Because of fiber, and because precious food components haven't been lost through processing, natural plant foods fill you up and do not cause abnormal physiological cravings or hormonal imbalances.

Eating fruits and vegetables with the fiber intact also slows down the rate of glucose absorption, which will prevent blood sugar spikes.

SIDE NOTE: The above quote is from Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Even though it's advertised as a diet book, Eat To Live is actually more of a collection of scientific studies pointing to the positive effects of eating a diet devoid of animal products. And while Dr. Fuhrman does advocate eating cooked grains, legumes, and veggies, he also encourages unlimited amounts of raw fruit and vegetables in the diet.


In order for Fruit2day to have any sort of a shelf life without preservatives, the majority of the ingredients must be pasteurized. So, all of the fruit juices are heat-treated. And as we already know, heat = nutrient loss.

From Concentrate

And speaking of nutrient loss, what about the fact that the fruit juices included are from concentrate? A juice "not from concentrate" is first squeezed, then pasteurized, and finally packaged. A juice "from concentrate" has an extra step. The water is removed from the juice and then added back in before pasteurization and packaging. More steps, more oxidization, more nutrient loss, AND an overall cheaper quality product

Natural Flavor?

All four flavors have "natural flavor" listed last on the ingredient list. While I'm sure this is something relatively innocent, it would still be nice to know what exactly this flavoring is. I better be "raw foodist" is showing.


The price of 2 bottles (4 servings worth) of Fruit2day is $3.75. That's about $.94 per one half cup of fruit. I've bought organic bananas for $.65 per pound, local cantaloupe for $1.50 per pound, organic Valencia oranges for $1.15 per pound... I've even purchased locally grown, pesticide-free, absolutely delicious peaches for $.75 per pound. Need I say more?


As mentioned above, the big selling point here is that Fruit2day is extremely portable. You just grab a bottle and go! But I ask you, can you not just grab a banana and go, or grab an apple and go, or grab an orange and go? Heck, even melon is pretty portable! Just cut one up in advance, store in pre-portioned plastic containers in the fridge, and carry it along with you.


I haven't actually tasted this stuff myself. I just can't bring myself to spend almost $4 on four measly servings of fruit. And heat-treated fruit juice isn't exactly raw, now is it?

The Final Verdict

Fruit2day just doesn't measure up. Sure, it's fruit. But it isn't whole, nor is it fresh or even raw. And as far as Fruit2day's ability to convince the masses to eat more fruit, I am skeptical. I'm not a penny pincher, but I just can't see the average Joe Shmoe shelling out $3.75 for two small bottles of chunky fruit smoothie. Not when you can get a Milky Way bar for under 2 bucks.

But what do you think? Is Fruit2day a worthy competitor of fresh fruit or merely the sad remains of its nutrient-packed opponent?

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

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Natural Vitamin C Supplement - Versus Synthetic

Today, the most common health supplements you can buy are manmade, ie in an isolated and synthetic form. They are a far cry from natural vitamins and nutrients.

Nature intended you to obtain all your nutrients from a complex and nutritious substance called food. Each food contains the necessary nutrients in balance to complement one another and so allow for its complete and easy absorption.

There is no such thing as an isolated nutrient in nature.

So when you take a synthetic nutrient, be aware that it in isolation.

This is also called fractionated supplementation.

When your body tries to digest this isolated nutrient, it searches around for the other nutrients that should accompany it. When it finds there aren't any, then it will rob these nutrients from your body in order to attempt to absorb this isolated nutrient, so creating a deficiency.

With synthetic vitamin C, you can see that this is not absorbed, by the colour of your urine. Your urine comes out a very strong yellow. This indicates that it wasn't absorbed. And also causes a strain on your kidneys.

But that's not all.

Synthetic vitamin C (calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate and ascorbate acid), can cause hardening or thickening of the arteries, when taken in large doses.

Most natural health practitioners will tell you that when you extract one component from food and then give it in very high doses, you just don't know what you are doing to the system, and it may be adverse.

This is in total contradiction to all the claims made by the synthetic vitamin C manufacturers. They state that their vitamins will never cause harm and are always beneficial.

Natural vitamin C will never cause harm and is highly beneficial. Sadly, this is not the case with isolated and synthetic vitamin C.

Apart from the possibility of hardening of your arteries, high doses of ascorbic acid can cause copper deficiencies. Since copper is essential to keep your blood vessels healthy, amongst other functions, you are trading one 'benefit' for the loss of another.

Copper and iron are also closely linked and seesaw - low copper brings high iron levels and vice versa.

An added problem is that synthetic vitamin C also causes body acidity. Your body should be slightly alkaline. While you body pH is alkaline, disease cannot develop. As soon as your body becomes acid, all manner of health problems can result.

Natural vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin to retain good health. Claims have indicated that it can be helpful in preventing anything from colds to cancer. But it seems to be prudent to avoid the isolated and synthetic form, and to either obtain all your needs from your healthy diet or from an all food based natural vitamin C supplement.

There are some foods which contain a rich source of natural vitamin C. These make the best supplements, as all foods will lose some of their nutrients when processed into supplements.

Some of the best plants which survive the processing are acerola cherry, rose hips and camu camu.

When you buy any vitamin C, always check the ingredients, as while the label may boldly claim to be natural vitamin C, it may only be one ingredient, with the cheaper synthetic forming the bulk.

Rosemary Wright is passionate about natural health. Why? Because you can cure so much with just knowing a bit about the best diet, the healthiest supplements and the enormous benefits from relaxing and/or meditating regularly. You don't need to know much. And you don't need to do much.
For more information, visit

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Are Supplements Good for You?

Supplements seem like a good idea - but are they? It depends on your goals.

Typical daily vitamin supplements are usually made from synthetic vitamins. In other words, they are replicated in a laboratory. Many health professionals, including some medical doctors, say that your body doesn't recognize nor can it utilize these the same as the nutrients found in fresh, whole foods.

This is why an RDA is set (Recommended Daily Allowance). It is an allowance made because it is understood the body will not use much of the supplement. This brings up another problem when you read about the studies done with many of the supplements.

There have been many supplement studies, but the most known controversial studies were done with Vitamin E. Anyone following the history of the studies will see first, it was bad for you. Then it slowed heart disease, then it caused heart disease.... What?! How could this be?

It happens that one of the studies followed only people with cancer and another only seniors who were very sick. They were so flawed that even the Dietary Supplement Information Bureau has a web page of links that question the findings.

In addition, these studies were mainly done with the synthetic or laboratory version of the vitamin. It is well known that synthetic vitamins can actually be hazardous to your health. A well known one, vitamin A, can be toxic if you take too much. Symptoms of toxicity include headache, nausea, migratory arthritis, and the list goes on.

On the other hand, if you drink 20 ounces of fresh carrot juice, your body uses the beta-carotene and converts it to vitamin A. If you have enough vitamin A already, your body will simply stop converting it and you will eliminate the rest.

With this knowledge, it is easy to apply common sense. Are supplements good for you? Check your label. If you see ingredients like "from acerola cherries," which you know to be a food, it's probably a good product. You can find these types of supplements in your local health food store or on-line.

Also try juicing both veggies and fruits. Try a variety of fruits for their great flavor. In addition, you can drink 10 times the amount of vegetables than you can eat. (And don't worry; no one ever gained weight from consuming too many vegetables.) Invest in a juicer and check out your local farmer's market. You'll get fresher produce and support your local farmers.

Consume fresh whole foods, whole food supplements and drink fresh vegetable or fruit juice. Supplementing nature's way can give you the supplementation you need. You'll feel the difference.

Cindy Papp was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1992. She used the alternative path of cleansing and holistic programs which lead to total recovery in 1998 and is free of the disease to date. Cindy is a Certified Nutritional Counselor, a Certified Colon Therapist and trained in massage therapy. You can find more about cleansing on her website

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Diabetes and Resveratrol

RESVERATROL: Multiple studies indicate that this potent anti-oxidant found in red wine has a positive effect on aging, cardio-vascular health, and Type II Diabetes

Below is an explanation of the effects of RESEVERATROL in general, but in particular as it applies to Type II Diabetes.

Studies and research are cited which indicate that this powerful anti-oxidant has beneficial effects on Type II Diabetes, insulin sensitivity, cardio-vascular health, as well as aging.

Free radicals that we're exposed to every day-in sunlight, pollution, chemicals in our food, water, and more-are one of the root causes of aging and disease! Many of the natural metabolic processes in our own bodies generate harmful free radicals. Free radicals are the natural by-product of normal cell metabolism and can be thought of like "smoke" produced by the cells in your body, not unlike the toxic smoke produced by your backyard grill. Within the body, free radicals are molecules that need additional oxygen. Free radicals can attack any cell in the body looking for oxygen, since most cells contain mitochondria, the respiration centers for cells. Free radicals have a propensity for highly vascularized tissues in the body such as the internal organs, the eyes, the cardio-vascular system, blood vessels, and capillary-rich extremities. When free radicals do attack cells, the cells become compromised, which leads to cell death. Extensive cell death results in tissue damage, pre-mature aging, and even organ failure.

Our main defense against free radical damage is anti-oxidants obtained through our diet. Anti-oxidants are only found in plants, particularly the darkly pigmented fruits and vegetables. There are a multitude of studies which prove that individuals who consume diets which are rich in anti-oxidants experience decreased signs of aging and disease. For many years, supplementation with anti-oxidants has been an accepted and necessary course of treatment in Macular degeneration. In Macular degeneration, the aim is not to cure or reverse the disease but to slow down the free radical damage in the retina, which hopefully will prevent further vision loss. Certain populations who regularly consume anti-oxidant rich foods appear to have lower incidences of cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, auto-immune conditions, and many age-related conditions.

Chances are you've heard about the French Paradox-you may have even heard about it when Barbara Walters did an entire segment concerning the paradox on 60 Minutes. The "paradox" is the fact that the French have outstanding heart health, despite their consumption of creamy sauces, croissants, and pastries, not mention the tremendous amount of smoking by the French as well. Back in 1992, scientists put their finger on their secret. The French drink red wine with nearly every meal, which is rich in a potent 'super-antioxidant,' called Resveratrol. Resveratrol is a special antioxidant, called a phytoalexin, that's found in the skins and vines of grapes. Wine grape plants make Resveratrol to defend itself from fungal invaders. You can think of it as the plant's natural protective armor, and in many ways that's exactly what it does for your body when you take it. By helping to scavenge and rid your body of those harmful free radicals, Resveratrol fights aging and disease. Plus, studies have shown that Resveratrol helps combat another leading cause of aging, inflammation. More recent studies are indicating that Resveratrol has very exciting implications in Diabetes treatments. No wonder 60 Minutes-and much of the media-are calling Resveratrol a "fountain of youth"

The studies on this potent antioxidant are mounting fast...

o Helps to Protect Your Blood Vessels: Preliminary research suggests that Resveratrol may help to protect the walls of your blood vessels against oxidation-which in turn helps to keep your heart, and entire cardiovascular system healthy.

o Keeps Your Blood Flowing as it Should: Preliminary studies suggest that the antioxidants in Resveratrol may help to inhibit platelet aggregation, helping to keep your blood flowing as it should.

o Supports Healthy Blood Pressure: Animal research suggests that the wine polyphenols in Resveratrol support healthy blood pressure and healthy blood vessel vasodilation-meaning your blood vessels expand and relax as they should.

o Supports Brain Function: Preliminary cell and animal research suggests that Resveratrol may support brain function by alleviating oxidative stress.

o Promotes Optimal Cellular Health: The polyphenols in Resveratrol are believed to promote optimal cellular health. Resveratrol may also play a role in promoting normal cell division.

o Helps Stave off Premature Aging: Resveratrol may play a role in alleviating oxidative stress and inflammation that's linked to premature aging.

o Promotes Optimal Dental Health: Preliminary research suggests that Resveratrol may help to promote optimal dental health through its anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies and research abstracts concerning Resveratrol and Diabetes

Science Daily (October 2008) - Even relatively low doses of Resveratrol--a chemical found in the skins of red grapes and in red wine--can improve the sensitivity of mice to the hormone insulin, according to a new report. As insulin resistance is often characterized as the most critical factor contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes, the findings "provide a potential new therapeutic approach for preventing or treating" both conditions, the researchers said. The research group also confirmed that increased levels of an enzyme called SIRT1, which earlier studies had linked to longevity, DNA repair, and insulin secretion, improve insulin sensitivity in mice. Resveratrol is known to activate the SIRT1 enzyme.

The results suggest that "red wine might have some benefits for insulin sensitivity, but given the potential complications of drinking alcohol, an even better option may be to find other natural foods enriched with Resveratrol or foods supplemented with Resveratrol," he added.

Diabetes mellitus, the most common endocrine disorder, currently affects more than 170 million people worldwide and is expected to affect more than 353 million by the year 2030, Zhai said. Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for more than 90 percent of diabetes cases, is characterized by the resistance of body tissues to stimulation by the peptide hormone insulin. Insulin normally lowers blood glucose levels by facilitating the sugar's uptake, mainly into skeletal muscle and fat tissue, and by inhibiting glucose production in the liver. Currently, alleviating insulin resistance is still one of the key avenues to treating type 2 diabetes.

Earlier studies had reported a connection between SIRT1 and the processes of glucose metabolism and insulin secretion. However, whether SIRT1 was directly involved in insulin sensitivity remained largely unknown, the researchers said. Now, the researchers report that SIRT1 levels are reduced in insulin-resistant cells and tissues and that treatments that block the enzyme's function lead to insulin resistance. Furthermore, increased SIRT1 activity improved insulin sensitivity. Similarly, Resveratrol--at a dose of just 2.5 mg/kg/day--enhanced insulin sensitivity in cells. That low dose of Resveratrol also reduced insulin resistance in animals fed a high-fat diet, the researchers showed. Resveratrol is known to activate a gene called SIRT1, and SIRT1 is linked not only to insulin secretion, but also to better insulin sensitivity in mice. Other research has found a connection between SIRT1 and glucose metabolism. Researchers have reported that insulin resistant disorders like diabetes block normal activation of SIRT1, a factor resulting in the active study of SIRT1 activating compounds, of which Resveratrol in certainly a front runner.
"We found SIRT1 improves insulin sensitivity, especially under insulin-resistant conditions," Zhai said. "Furthermore, we found that Resveratrol, at a very low dose compared with many previous studies, improves insulin sensitivity via SIRT1." Previously, he noted, the effects of Resveratrol seen in mice had implied that humans might need to drink about 120 liters of red wine each day to get enough Resveratrol to enjoy the same benefit. "According to our findings, people might need to drink about three liters of red wine each day to get sufficient Resveratrol--about 15 mg--for its biological effects. But due to the side effects of alcohol ingestion, it is recommended that a liquid form of Resveratrol in a concentrated form would be the better alternative. "
The researchers include Cheng Sun, Fang Zhang, Xinjian Ge, Tingting Yan, Xingmiao Chen, Xianglin Shi, and Qiwei Zhai of Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.

Resveratrol shows promise as diabetes treatment

October 9, 2008 - 6:59am ET Scientists have unveiled yet another study on the potential of Resveratrol. The chemical, which is found in red wine as well as a variety of plants, has been linked with improved sensitivity to insulin in mouse models, adding another possible therapeutic effect for an ingredient already associated with longevity and DNA repair. Resveratrol activates the SIRT1 enzyme, and researchers at the University of Florida say that could make it a candidate for treating diabetes. Researchers at U of FL have confirmed earlier reports that SIRT1 levels are reduced in insulin-resistant cells and tissues and that treatments that block the enzyme's function lead to insulin resistance. Furthermore, increased SIRT1 activity improved insulin sensitivity. Similarly, Resveratrol--at a dose of just 2.5 mg/kg/day--enhanced insulin sensitivity in cells. That low dose of Resveratrol also reduced insulin resistance in animals fed a high-fat diet, the researchers showed.

Central nervous system protection by Resveratrol in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2007 March;14(3):256-60

The aim of this study was to determine the protective role of Resveratrol against high blood glucose levels induced in rats by the drug streptozotocin. This drug is used in medical research to produce an animal model for type 1 diabetes. The researchers found that the administration of Resveratrol offered protective action in the brain and spinal cords because it reduced lipid peroxidation and increased glutathione levels. The study concluded that Resveratrol is a potential neuroprotective agent against diabetic oxidative damage.

Effect of Resveratrol, a polyphenolic phytoalexin, on thermal hyperalgesia in a mouse model of diabetic neuropathic pain.

Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology. 2007 February;21(1):89-94
Pharmacology Division, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India. Diabetic neuropathic pain is a symptom associated with diabetes mellitus. This condition is the result of injury to small blood vessels that supply the nerves. Diabetic neuropathic pain is very difficult to treat. The aim of this in vivo study was to determine the effect of Resveratrol on diabetic neuropathic pain. The researchers also measured the effect of Resveratrol on the serum level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and whole brain nitric oxide release. The tests were carried out on mice treated with streptozotin to produce an animal model for Type 1 diabetes. The researchers found that an injection with Resveratrol significantly and dose-dependently attenuated thermal hyperalgesia, decreased the serum level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and whole brain nitric oxide release. They concluded that Resveratrol holds a potential in attenuating diabetic neuropathic pain.

Resveratrol improves insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets.

European Journal of Pharmacology. 2006 December 15;552(1-3):176-81

The phytochemical Resveratrol is known to have cardioprotective, anticancer and antioxidant activity but resent research also indicates that Resveratrol may help to alleviate diabetic complications. The aim of this study to determine the effect of Resveratrol on insulin secretion from incubated pancreatic islets. The researchers found that Resveratrol increased the release of insulin after being exposed to glucose. They concluded that Resveratrol exerts reversible effects on insulin secretion from incubated pancreatic islets.

So what do you do?

Drink large quantities of red wine? No. The average glass of red wine provides a mere 800 mcg of Resveratrol. Therefore, you would need to drink over 100 glasses per day to reach the threshold amounts discussed in the scientific studies. The benefits of Resveratrol are obviously negated by the harmful effects of the alcohol ingestion. A better alternative is to take a supplement containing Resveratrol. Several studies indicate that if the wrong form of Resveratrol is used, it may not be biologically effective. In addition, pills, tablets, and capsules of Resveratrol are less effective than ingesting a liquid form of Resveratrol. So what are you going to do? Consider drinking MonaVie Pulse!

MonaVie PULSE is a nutritional beverage that contains 19 fruits including Acai berry, Prickly pear, Bilberry, Apple, Aronia berry, Cranberry, Pineapple, Raspberry, Elderberry, Pomegranate, Tart cherry, Cupuacu, Blueberry, Strawberry, Acerola cherry, Yum berry, Camu-Camu, Concord grape, and Blackberry. This formula contains plant sterols in such concentration to deliver a therapeutic dose which has found to be effective in reducing cholesterol by the FDA and MonaVie has been approved as an alternative treatment for lowering cholesterol levels. Multiple studies have shown that ingesting 0.8 grams of plant sterols per day is effective in lowering cholesterol 8-15%. Two studies recommend adding plant sterols to one's diet rather than adding additional statin drugs to achieve lower cholesterol levels. One study indicated that there were significantly less side effects when using plant sterols as the first line treatment modality in fighting high cholesterol levels.

In additional to the cholesterol lowering ability offered by MonaVie Pulse, when Resveratrol is added into the formula, MonaVie Pulse has the added benefit of cardio-protection, reduced hypertension, improved HDL levels, and decreased insulin insensitivity.
As quoted in the study abstracts listed above, Resveratrol offers Type II diabetics unprecedented natural treatment options. The Resveratrol contained in MonaVie Pulse is a purified, clinically relevant, concentrated amount in liquid form. This liquid Resveratrol is better tolerated and absorbed by most people. Anechtdotal studies indicate that many diabetics have reduced their medications and treatments after using MonaVie Pulse on a consistent and regular basis.

MonaVie does NOT recommend deviating from current treatments without professional, medical advice, instruction, and direction.MonaVie does NOT recommend or portray any of their products as a treatment, cure, drug, or medication. MonaVie products are nutritional beverages that incorporate 19 super fruits into a healthy blend of juice. Results will vary from person to person. Please do not discontinue medications and/ or treatments without first seeking medical evaluation and expert medical advice.

Dr. J. Fredrick Litke, is a retired Optometrist from Henderson, KY who travels and lectures extensively on Nutrition and Health

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