Monday, September 12, 2011

MonaVie vs Efusjon - Which is Better For Health and Business?

MonaVie vs efusjon, they both provide the consumer with a healthy alternative that could help you live 10-20 years longer. The quality of your life is sure to improve if the proper, natural foods are put into your body. MonaVie and efusjon include a fruit called "acai berry" as a main ingredient in their products. Acai berry is considered a super-food, which means just that. It contains so much healthy qualities like antioxidants and phyto-nutrients, things that can not be found in any other single food. It is difficult to get a fair assessment of these two different acai berry products because these drinks are distributed by the consumers. If someone benefits from one of these two products they are sure to favor one. In this case, there is no alignment with either one. This will be a non-bias assessment on both products.

MonaVie and efusjon are similar in health qualities. They are also similar in the means of distribution and potential income. You are capable of distributing these products or acquiring consumers to be distributors themselves. In fact, the only way to supplement these products to others is through a distributor. So it is evident that these super healthy products not only exist, people run successful businesses distributing them. So which one better, MonaVie or efusjon?

We will start analyzing these products by ingredients. This can be slightly tricky (we'll make it easy) as MonaVie comes in 3 forms (can, bottle and gel) and efusjon only 1. Let us start with fat content; efusjon has 0% and MonaVie has 0%. There is 1% in the MonaVie Original (bottle), this is still considerably light. efusjon and MonaVie also contains no sodium or less than 1%. For carbohydrates the best in MonaVie Original with 8 grams, there is 40 in MonaVie eMV (can) and 15 in efusjon. MonaVie Original has 30 calories per serving and 5 grams of sugar. MonaVie eMV is 170 calories with 22 grams of sugar and efusjon has 60 calories and 15 grams of sugar. efusjon wins the battle of vitamins A, C, and E. MonaVie eMV wins with Vitamins B6, B12 and Niacin. MonaVie Original is the only health drink that contains Vitamin K and Potassium.

The first 4 ingredients in efusjon is carbonated water, crystalline fructose, acai juice concentrate and fruit extracts. The first 4 ingredients in MonaVie eMV is reverse osmosis carbonated water, acai, fruit juice blend and acerola extract. The first 4 ingredients in MonaVie Original are acai, white grape, nashi pear and acerola. The Original is the only one that contains acai first.

The last comparison is the benefit of distributing these acai berry drinks. Many people make a living by distributing these products, some have gotten extremely wealthy, so it is factual that both MonaVie and efusjon are potentially a great way to earn income. But which one should you choose, which one profits more?

efusjon distributors will earn 4.25% of total sales volume in commissions for each order. To become a distributor you need $30 to become a member and $120 to place an order which you must do to become eligible for income. Also, if you refer other distributors you can make a percentage of what they make. This continues to the people they get to distribute...and so on. They call their compensation plan the "power of 3". You sign up 3 distributors and those people sign 3... and so on. This works well if the 3 people under you are as ambitious as you.

MonaVie distributors will earn 10% of total sales volume in commissions for each order. To become a distributor you need $39 to become a member and $150 to place and order. Their compensation plan works on the "lesser leg of 2". This means that you can succeed with 2 people under you, your income revolves around the leg that is doing the worst.

I can not advise you to affiliate with one or the other, I can help debate the pros and cons: for ingredients, efusjon and MonaVie have different health qualities that make them special. MonaVie does include more acai berry in their products. MonaVie is also slightly more expensive. It has also been on the market since 2002 proving it isn't a fly-by-night company. As far as distributing, efusjon uses a "power of 3" system and MonaVie uses the "lesser leg of 2" and both have proved to be effective and profitable.

If you want to make your own assessment, or curious as to what the acai berry drink clubs offer, check out this site. MonaVie vs efusjon.

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