Monday, September 26, 2011

Why Do Fever Blisters Hurt and What Can You Do to Get Rid of Them?

Cold sore? Pimple? Canker sore? What is the difference between them? While a canker sore appear inside the mouth, a cold sore, also called fever blister or oral herpes, appear around the lips. As opposed to a common pimple, the affected area is itchy and red and then turns into a painful blister and a crust.

Why do fever blisters hurt?

Because it is like an open wound. When tender nerve endings are exposed, it causes pain and infection. It is the "blistering stage" that hurts the most.

What can you do to soothe and get rid of cold sores?

The first step is to avoid squeezing the blister and to put ice to ease the pain. There are some home remedies for cold sores that can help when a fever blister starts to hurt. Comfrey ointment relieves the pain, as well as lavender essential oil.

As for diet, zinc speeds the healing process. Foods rich in zinc are: lean meat, oysters, poultry, fish, whole-grain breads and cereals, and pumpkin seeds.

Foods rich in vitamin E should help with fever blisters too: peaches, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, avocados, whole-grain breads, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, and dried prunes.
Aloe vera gel, calendula cream or tea tree oil are good cold sore treatments to fight the infection.

Which remedies can be used as prevention?

It is important to follow a proper diet, that is to say a diet rich in L-Lysine and low in L-Arginine. Eat fish (especially halibut), shrimp, lima beans, poultry, and mung beans sprouts, and avoid nuts, sesame, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, oats, corn, barley, buckwheat, chocolate, and coconut.

Strengthening your immune system is also a priority. Focus on foods rich in vitamin A (yellow orange fruits and vegetables and dark leafy vegetables) and in vitamin C (berries, acerola, cantaloupes, kiwis, papayas, grapefruit, mangoes, raspberries, tomatoes, strawberries, and pineapples).

Taking supplements and probiotics may also help to get rid of cold sores. As for herbal remedies, echinacea, goldenseal, and lemon balm help minimize outbreaks as they target the immune system.

What natural products work the best?

It all depends on each individual and what triggers an outbreak in your own body. It might be a cold, stress, the weather... Keep on eye on what triggers a fever blister in your case.

Here are a selection of products you can find in health food stores:
* Herpanacine. It cleanses the skin layers and the blood, brings toxins out, builds the immune system to support the body to fight off skin conditions.
* Quantum Super L-Lysine. It contains L-Lysine and sixteen additional herbal ingredients to help heal outbreaks and soothe the infection.

Disclaimer: the information provided on this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed practitioner.

To share and find more natural remedies that work for fever blisters, visit

Find more natural remedies for cold sores on, online skin care guide including all kinds of natural remedies and skin tips.

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Monarch Health Sciences starts shipping long awaited Monavie and Monavie Active

The Acai Berry is starting to gain world wide recognition as a "wonder of nature." On a recent Oprah Winfrey show, titled 'LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER IN 10 DAYS," it was named as one of the top ten superfoods in the world for combating the effects of aging. In a location piece shot for and aired on NBC's Today Show, the Acai Berry was referred to as, "the Viagra of the Amazon." Research has shown that the Acai Berry contains more potent antioxidants than any other edible fruit on the planet. It contains over 30 times more beneficial flavinoids than red wine.

The roll out party attracted several of the top "heavy hitters" of the mlm industry. Linden Norville, a best selling author and builder of several multi-million dollar mlm teams, said, "The only way you make real money in mlm is to help others make money. The more they make, the more you make. The most critical element in achieving this goal, is the product. Ideally, the product is a consumable that benefits and appeals to a widespread market sector. MonaVie fits that bill better than anything I have seen in years. I couldn't be happier that I am here."

The health juice business, worth just a few million dollars four years ago, has grown to a multi-billion dollar business almost overnight. This is due largely to two companies, Noni and Xango. Most of the "experts" at MonaVie's roll out party agreed that MonaVie will shatter the latter two companies' brilliant growth records. A market for health beneficial juice has already been created and an army of trained distributors already familiar with health juice exists.

In addition to the Acai berry, there are 18 other ingredients in Monavie: White grape, Nashi pear, Acerola, Pear, Aronia, Grape , Cranberry, Passionfruit, Banana, Apricot, Prune, Kiwi, Blueberry, Bilberry, Wolfberry, Pomegranate, Lychee, Camu Berry. Monavie Active is fortified with celadrin and glucosamine.

Monavie Inc., a network marketing company started in 2004, is looking for health conscious distributors who are motivated in business building. The company was formed to market a wellness product, Monavie and Monavie Active, in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Singapore and Australia. With 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, the Brazilian Acai berry is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.

For more information please visit :

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Juice Plus Review

Is Juice Plus a Scam?

Juice Plus is a supplement that has been in existence since 1993. I looked into the product at one time as a possible source of nutritional benefit for my family. I was even interested in becoming a distributor so that I could earn a residual income, since so many people are looking for ways to improve their nutrition just like you and I. I will not say outright that the Juice Plus is a scam. I have thoroughly looked into many business opportunities, especially health related companies, and I will say that there are many fraud companies out there. I think that Juice Plus is actually one of the better companies out there, but in my search for the best quality source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and general nutritional supplements... a little bit of research let me know that Juice Plus+ was not for me. Let me tell you why I decided that it was not for me.

The Juice Plus Company

Juice Plus is manufactured by a company called Natural Alternatives International in Santa Monica, California and distributed by National Safety Associates (NSA) in Tennessee. NSA was started in 1970 and before introducing Juice Plus, was known for other multilevel-marketed products. Juice Plus scam? No, they are just a smart company that seems to follow the business trends of the decades. Do you remember all of those water filter companies that were popular in the 1980s? Well this company sold home fire detectors when they were popular in the 70s, water filters in the early 80s, and air filters in the late 80s. They also sold educational games at one point.

While some companies in the past have made multilevel-marketing look bad, there is nothing wrong with using the method of sales distribution known as multilevel-marketing. If done right, it can benefit more people than traditional marketing, save people money and can also help get a product out to many who may have never learned about the product.

So from a business standpoint, it looks like they have the right idea. They follow the trends.

The Juice Plus Products

Their main products are the Juice Plus, which are not juice really, but powder in capsules. This is better than juice because juice supplements like the popular Acai berry juice, noni juice, Mona vie juice or Mangosteen juice products will begin to oxidate as soon as you open the bottle. This liquid oxidation is harmful to the body. The Juice Plus blend include great ingredients that come from fruits such as acerola berries, apples, cranberries, oranges, papaya, peaches, and pineapple. Their Juice Plus+ contains vegetables that are sourced from barley, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, oats, parsley, spinach, and tomato. So to answer the question is Juice Plus fraud, I say that there is no Juice Plus scam, since they sell real products with decent ingredients.

It has become general knowledge that by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake on a daily basis, that you can improve your health and wellness. Eating more fruits and vegetables will actually help your body also get rid of free radical cells as well as a natural antioxidant in the body. I just do not feel that this product has enough fruits and vegetables in it for me is all.

A Few Juicy Problems

Their Juice Plus Gummies supplement for kids were found to have around 80% corn syrup and 10% beef gelatin, making the product almost without nutritional benefit. So these are not much better than the gummy vitamin/mineral bears that you can buy at your local store. Both are basically just candy!

I assume that their other products probably have a higher quality of nutrition than this but I saw some other problems that made me shy away.

The Biggest Problem

I could not find any of the product labels on their site.

The biggest problem that I saw was that in all of the poking around on their company website, I could not find any of the product labels for any of their products! What are they trying to hide? Sure they list a few fruits and vegetables, but they don't say how much of each fruit that they use. They don't show you the nutritional facts so you can see how much sugar and natural or artificial ingredients are in each product.

I did not like that I had to buy the product to see the product labels.

Some other problems that I saw ...

1. The products were not unique enough

2. There was not enough research and science

3. The testimonials were lacking

4. The products were not manufactured to high enough standards to make me want to pay the extra money for them

5. Not all of their ingredients were organic and/or plant-based.

Juice Plus Research

One thing that caught my interest when first evaluating Juice Plus was that the product had at least been in scientific journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Nutrition Research, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Integrative Medicine.

But wait a second! I soon discovered that of the the published peer-reviewed studies, only one was conducted independently! The others were all funded and/or authored by the manufacturer, the main distributor, or by individual Juice Plus distributors. That made me a little leery!

Juice Plus Testimonials

One serious mistake that was made, was in choosing former professional football player O.J. Simpson to be celebrity endorser of the product. Simpson was given a multi-year six-figure contract to sign on with NSA as a icon for the company. I personally like to see a company that has a product that is so good that star athletes use the supplement on their own, simply because they like the added performance gain and benefits that they get while using them.

The testimonial of O.J. Simpson was thrown even further out after he was charged with murdering his wife and her friend Ronald Goldman. In March of 1994, shortly before these murders took place, he was videotaped telling 4,000 Juice Plus distributors at a sales meeting that Juice Plus+ had cured his arthritis, enhanced his golf game, and freed him from needing to use anti-arthritic drugs. However, his defense attorneys in the criminal trial in 1995 and civil trial in 1997 (and in his 2007 book If I Did It) all suggested that Simpson was so handicapped by arthritis that he could not have committed the murders. They also went on to say that Simpson was using a variety of potent anti-inflammatory drugs, such as sulfasalazine and ibuprofen. Well, these may have been what improved his arthritis enough to allow him to have an enhanced golf game.

My Conclusion

In conclusion, I looked into them as a health product and as a source for a second income, since they use the residual income model which I like. To answer the question is Juice Plus a Scam? No I don't believe Juice Plus is a scam, but Juice Plus was not for me. You should do your own research. I found an alternative that I am extremely happy with.

The Perfect Alternative

A supplement that is used by hundreds of Olympic athletes!

I found an alternative product to Juice Plus that I really like! While just looking for a health product to help my family with some health challenges, I happened across a great opportunity to get paid to share a product that I really love. Help others feel great about their health and energy. Become a wellness distributor! It is fun, rewarding and after a few years of hard work put in, can return you a nice residual income.

Everybody wants good health and more energy. Ever heard of glyconutrients? Improve your wellbeing. And since glyconutrients are so new, and are easy for anyone to start including into their diet on a regular basis, there is a huge growing demand for glyconutrients distributors. If you would like to become a local representative for an extra flow of residual income, then come talk to me. I have been consuming glyconutrients supplements for a few years now and am extremely happy with my energy, immune system, and wonderful health.

Spencer Hunt is a wellness consultant who has hundreds of happy clients whom love the superior vitamin, mineral, and glyconutrients supplements that he represents. He can be contacted at the glyconutrients site for the products.

How would you like to earn $1500 bonus checks every week?

Become a wellness distributor with a successful team and earn money while getting free supplements for life for your family.

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ONE Amazon Acai Drink Review

O.N.E. Amazon Acai drink is a delicious natural drink that will surely revitalize our body after a hard days work. If you are tired of taking vitamins that takes time to work, then try this drink, it will surely boost your immune system and gives you back your lost energy.

I've learn that it contains numerous vitamins such as vitamin C which is good for immune system, vitamin E. One thing more about this drink is that it also serves as an anti oxidant in our bodies. It's also rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 which is perfect for our heart. This drink contains all that nutritional content because it is made of one hundred percent acai and natural acerola, which is naturally grown in rainforest.

It also comes with different flavors so you'll not have a hard time to find a suitable taste for you. As for my personal favorite, I always go Berry flavor. It's nice, fair sweetness and actually tastes really nice. My mom finishes her work late and one time I let her try one of O.N.E. acai drink, and until then, she never stops drinking it. I was amazed by the effect because I can really see big changes in her, I mean physically and mentally. Her stressed looking face started to glow once again.

This drink can avoid and eliminate premature aging, helps to clear the mind of it's drinker and detoxify its body giving them enough assurance that they are really healthy. You tomorrow, right? Then buy O.N.E. Amazon Acai Drink.

For more information, check other O.N.E. Acai drink Amazon reviews.

Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.

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Top 5 Vitamin C Sources

Everyone knows that enough Vitamin C sources is one of the most essential components that we need in our daily diet, especially in this busy, stressful world. Yet many people do not know the right Vitamin C sources that we need to consume daily. This article provides you with essential information to help you get the recommended daily allowance of this important nutrient from all natural sources and help protect your body from many infections diseases.

Alternative Vitamin C Sources
Vitamin C can be acquired naturally from many fruits and vegetables. There are many alternative sources which you need to know in order to get the minimum requirement of this antioxidant.

Top 5 Naturally Occurring Sources of Vitamin C
These are the naturally occurring fruits which contain high amounts of the powerful antioxidant:
1. Guavas - More than 300 mg per cup!
2. Strawberries - One cup contains 84 mg of the antioxidant.
3. Papaya - One cup can contain up to 80 mg.
4. Kiwis - One kiwi contains approximately 70 mg of the antioxidant.
5. Oranges - One medium orange also contains up to 70 mg of this nutrient.

How Much Antioxidant Do You Need?
As you can see, there are many dietary sources of Vitamin C antioxidant. The antioxidant content of these Vitamin C sources is an essential immune booster which we all need to have in adequate amounts to function well and without any disease illness. Depending on the state of your health and your lifestyle choices, the minimum daily requirement per person can fluctuate.

The Top 5 Vitamin C sources which you need to know are guavas, papayas, strawberries, kiwi, and oranges. But because Vitamin C is water-soluble, it is easily removed from our bodies.

Thus, it is essential for us to take a supplement to ensure that we have Vitamin C antioxidant for our daily needs. Nutrilite Bio C is thus an essential supplement. Nutrilite Bio C is an excellent source of this antioxidant because it contains Acerola cherries. In this natural way, Vitamin C sources [] can boost your immune system in a healthy manner.

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Monavie Product Review - Monavie Active - Professional Athletes Find Competitive Edge

In this Monavie product review you will learn about Monavie Active. This is a functional beverage that will protect your body at the cellular level by neutralizing free radicals and also target joint mobility and flexibility. It has a blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits and also includes plant-derived glucosamine. It provides key ingredients that are necessary to ensure your body maintains a full range of motion, especially in regard to the knees and lumbar region.

This product has a patented brand of acai, AcaVie as the main ingredient. It is the most potent form of acai available anywhere in the world. You will even find the AcaVie logo on all of the premier juice blends. The official logo guarantee you that you are getting the most superior acai products on the market anywhere in the world. AcaVie is an antioxidant packed ingredient that combines Monavie's patented acai and jucara freeze-dried powder and puree with Enlivenox. Enlivenox is a proprietary acai compound boasting 10 times more polyphenols than traditional acai.

Monavie Active is the second functional beverage from Monavie. It is identical to the Monavie Essential, with the exception of added plant-derived glucosamine and fatty acids to help your body make and maintain healthy joints. It is called " WD-40 for your joints."

MonaVie Active is 100% fruit juice and will deliver the antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of fruits and vegetables in just four ounces. It does not have artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and added sugar.

The Fruits:







Black Currant


Camu Camu










This product has been fortified with additional superfruits, beneficial fiber, and key vitamins A, C, and E. It may help fight oxidative damage and aging and improve your overall health. It does contain vitamin K, so if you are on medication that you cannot have vitamin K, you should check with your doctor.

This product features a body-beneficial blend of 19 fruits that will provide powerful antioxidants and support joint health. MonaVie's freeze-dried acai has a higher ORAC score than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, boasting an antioxidant capacity more than 15 times higher than whole blueberries and more than 20 times higher than whole raspberries.

This scientifically formulated juice defends against the effects of aging. Monavie Active can be consumed by people with shellfish allergies because the glucosamine is from a non-shellfish vegetarian source.

Monavie Active is safe for athletes. It has been scientifically tested and proven to be free from all banned substances and meets all the requirements to be certified by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).

This is the official drink of the Boston Red Sox and can be found in the locker rooms of many other professional and amateur athletes. Many athletes are drinking the Monavie products and have become distributors. It never hurts to have a plan b for income, especially for athletes because the prime time for most athletes is short in comparison to how long they are going to live. Also, they run a high risk of becoming disabled and want a backup income.

For more information on Monavie products or how you can become a preferred customer or a distributor, visit For information on a leadership development system, please visit

Pam Eppinette has over 30 years of business, sales and marketing experience and is a successful internet business owner, wellness and weight management consultant and TEAM leadership, life and business coach. Pam believes success is possible for those who want work from home with the right mentor and proven training system.

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A Review, Looking at the Shaklee Difference

Looking At the Ingredients First

Founded on the philosophy of offering products in harmony with nature and good health, Shaklee adheres to the principles that were established by our founder, Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee in 1956. When ingredients are selected for products, Shaklee holds to two important principles. These principles set them apart as a company and they are the basis for our advanced approach to product development and production. First of all, Shaklee ingredients must be as natural as possible. Secondly, those ingredients must reflect the most recent scientific and technological advances. The superior quality of Shaklee products is a result of this respect for nature's wisdom and their use of state-of-the-art research and production methods. Information is the key to understanding. In our Nutritional Products Ingredient Glossary, you will find a description of every ingredient found in Shaklee nutritional products. Included is information about ingredient sourcing and processing, as well as the roles the ingredients perform in our products and in our bodies.

Natural Ingredients

Our number one priority is to use natural ingredients in our products whenever possible. In fact, when you look through the glossary, you will notice that the vast majority of our ingredients are naturally sourced and are categorized as natural. For example, beta carotene is harvested from specially grown algae, and vitamin E is obtained from soybean oil. We also include many plant-derived ingredients in our products as potential sources of what Dr. Shaklee referred to as unknown nutritional factors, or, those dietary factors that may be important to health but have yet to be identified by scientists. The mineral ingredients that we use are also categorized as natural ingredients. Minerals are natural elements of the earth, and some are dietary essentials for good health. Sometimes, essential minerals can be sourced directly as they are found within the earth-for example, calcium from limestone. But more commonly, minerals must be purified and bound to specific carriers to enhance their bioavailability and digestibility. When a mineral source has a carrier, it is noted in the Nutritional Products Ingredient Glossary. Those mineral carriers include natural compounds like mineral salts, organic acids, and protein/amino acids.

Naturally Derived Ingredients

Although an ingredient may be found in nature, it may not occur in a concentration that is high enough for our high-potency formulations. Fortunately, such ingredients can often be derived from natural sources through processes such as fermentation. Vitamin C is a good example. Rose hips and acerola are two of nature's most concentrated sources of vitamin C, but they are not concentrated enough for high-potency vitamin C-containing formulations. Fortunately, vitamin C can be derived from the carbohydrate that is present naturally in corn through a multi-step process that includes fermentation. Ingredients like these are categorized as naturally derived. There are certain ingredients that are derived from natural sources that may be modified to perform a certain function. For example, soy lecithin can be modified to make hydroxylated soy lecithin. This modification of soy lecithin increases its solubility in water and enhances its ability to coat and protect tablets. So, modified natural ingredients like these are also categorized as naturally derived.

Scientifically Formulated Ingredients

Sometimes, a sufficiently concentrated source of an ingredient cannot be found in nature, nor can it be derived from natural sources. In these instances, advances in nutritional technology allow us to use highly bioavailable ingredients formulated from biochemical building blocks. Whenever we use these types of ingredients, they are tested thoroughly to ensure bioavailability, purity, and potency. The B vitamin, thiamin, is an example of a nutrient that is formulated from biochemical building blocks. Another category of scientifically formulated ingredients are those that originate from a natural source, but are modified so that their final form is structurally and functionally different. An example is the ingredient hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Cellulose is a natural plant fiber. The cellulose is modified so that it takes on different properties that make it functionally advantageous to a product. Ingredients like these are categorized in the glossary as scientifically formulated.

Ingredients with Special Functions

Not only do Shaklee products contain a host of essential nutrients or important herbs, they often contain specific ingredients that have a functional role in improving the bioavailability or acceptability of a product. Scientifically Advanced Vita-Lea Multivitamin and Multimineral Dietary Supplement tablets, for example, are coated with a mixture of spirulina and cellulose gum. Spirulina gives Vita-Lea its natural green color and the cellulose gum coating makes the tablet smooth and easier to swallow. The core of each Vita-Lea tablet features another ingredient, croscarmellose sodium. Also called modified cellulose gum, croscarmellose sodium's function is to absorb water rapidly and promote the breaking apart of the tablet and subsequent release of nutrients for absorption. Another example of a product whose ingredients have specific functions; Sustained Release Vita-C 500 mg vitamin C supplement sustained-release tablet technology is based entirely on natural gums and waxes from plants.

The Shaklee Difference is our product ingredient philosophy which continues to set the highest standards. Our Nutritional and Herbal Products Ingredient Glossary is a reflection of the Shaklee philosophy and principles at work. Each ingredient is as natural as can be, and illustrates the leading advances in science and technology. That's the approach to making products that Dr. Shaklee pioneered: exacting the highest ingredient standard possible. The ingredients, though, are only one part of the Shaklee Difference. Our unique blend of ingredients coupled with the cumulative power of the ongoing science behind our products make Shaklee unique. The Shaklee Difference is reflected in our research, in our product development, in the care we take to adhere to strict clinical testing, and in our meeting the highest manufacturing standards in the industry. That's the combination that sets Shaklee products apart from all others. That's the Shaklee Difference - demanding and providing the best and the purest - by setting the highest of standards.

Click this link to learn more about Shaklee products.

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Some Benefits for Your Cast Iron Teapots

If you like serving tea, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't get a cast iron teapot. Nowadays, you can get them with an enamel coating. They are very strong and durable, and can stand up to very high levels of heat. They also spread the heat very evenly throughout the whole pot, so you get a perfect brew every time. Because of their many great capabilities, they are one of the best utensils in the kitchen for tea lovers! You'll be able to brew tea quickly without having to sacrifice the flavor. And the best thing is that with this teapot, you will be able to serve the tea without having to worry if it gets cold. Because cast iron can retain heat for long periods of time, you won't have to worry. You won't be embarrassed to bring this piece of kitchen cookware out on the dinner table during a party because they come in many different styles and designs.

Cast iron teapots can be found in many different sizes. Usually, each serving in a traditional cast iron teapot can make several cups of tea. This is great for those who often entertain at tea parties. The inside of the cast iron teapot has a thin layer of enamel to prevent it from rusting. Other kinds have a filter instead of a layer of enamel, which can be taken out and washed or replaced. Some come with a complete set of cups and a tea basket as well. The tea basket is used to hold loose leaf tea leaves and all of the components of a tetsubin allow the user to pour and make tea very easily. It has a long spout, which is supported by a long bow handle.

Most tea lovers and makers prefer these teapots and kettles, they look great on the table, because they have a lot of elaborate designs. You won't be embarrassed to show it to your friends at your next tea party. Furthermore, it retains heat very well. This means that your tea won't get cold even after a long time. Because it can take very high temperatures, you can easily heat your water up in advance so it's ready when you want to make tea. It has health benefits because of the cast iron. The metal leeches out a small amount of iron into the water as it boils, making it iron enriched. This means that you get a small dose of the mineral you need. Many doctors advise anemic patients or those who have a blood deficiency problem to use cast iron cookware so they can get an extra dose of iron.

You can get Japanese teapots at your local stores, and more valuable ones can be obtained at auctions. You can also easily find them at flea markets. You don't have to spend a lot of money just to get one. In fact, second hand tetsubins are more advisable as the cast iron only gets better in time.

Cast Iron Tea Pots - Find Great Deals on Cast Iron Teapots & Tea Kettles!

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What Is The Chinese Herbal Tea Wang Lao Ji Made From?

In China one of the most popular herbal tea is wang lao ji or wong lo kat in Cantonese. Wang lao ji is said to be a product that was commercialized and sold by Wang Zebang (nicknamed Wang Ji ) from Heshan in Guangdong province in 1828.

Currently sold as a herbal beverage, with the ingredients being, seven different kinds of Chinese herbal plants: "Water, white sugar, mesona, dan hua, Bu Zha ye (Microcos paniculata Linn), Chrysanthemum flowers, jin yin hua (Lonicera japonica Thunb.), Prunella vulgaris, and licorice. (The "Dan hua" does not refer to as eggs, but refers to the Apocynaceae species).

This is a seven part series exploring the contents of Wang Lao Ji seven herbal tea drink on FB Liangcha-Herbal Tea.

One of the major herbs in Wong Lo Kat is Xia ku cao, or Prunella vulgaris commonly known as self-heal, heal-all, heart-of-the-earth, and is a medicinal plant in the genus Prunella. It's a perennial herb found throughout Europe, Asia and the North America and grows by spreading it's roots underground. The flowers bloom depending on the climate and other conditions but generally from June to August.

For medicinal purposes, the entire plant is harvested when the flowers bloom, and dried. The leaves and small flowers are all edible.

Heal all is both edible and medicinal and can be used in salads, soups and stews. Medicinally heal all has been used in alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world and for just about every ailment.

Plant's constituents: betulinic acid, D-camphor, delphinidin, hyperoside, manganese, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, rutin, ursolic acid, and tannins.
Medicinal properties: antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, carminative, diuretic, styptic, and tonic.
Medical Uses: fevers, diarrhea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart
There is clinical analysis showing it has antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of pseudomonas, Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi. Therefore, supporting its use as an alternative medicine internally and externally as an antibiotic and for hard to heal wounds and diseases.

Ben Sanami is a Japanese translator and ceramics expert. A self published author/film producer and writes on a broad range of topics from sustainable development and PC Tech/Open Source software. For more information on herbal tea please visit FB Herbal Tea for Sustainable & Healthy Living at and grab a copy of my recent ebook 20 Herbal Teas for Sustainable and Healthy Living.

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Teapots - How Simple and Beautiful

Everyone wants life to be more luxurious and enjoyable. They want life to be enjoyed to its last extent that they need to be stylish and respectable in front of others. This is the reason why people always goes for their favorite taste and wishes. They need their usable to be the best of the type even if it is a wallet or a music player. People are concerned always for its style and beauty than anything.

Have you ever thought of the significance of a teapot? If you think it as a mere tumbler to pour tea, then you are completely wrong and outdated from this world. A teapot has much more to say, if taken in another way. You know it is one of the best thing through which you could exhibit your life style.

For example, you could imagine of a simple situation where you are served with a hapless teapot in one of your relatives house while another family has treated with a tremendously looking tea set or perhaps teapot. Which way you would think about these circumstances? You will be feeling better about the second family, right? It does not only show your living style but also it gives some sort of importance to the guest as well.

We can't just define a teapot as a simple vessel to steer herbal leaves in boiling water. Teapots will have a small cap at its upper portion, a handle to carry the same and also a little spout to pour out the tea. Now days teapots usually comes with an inner strainer on the inner portion of the spout. A small hole known as a lid hole is present in many cases so as to prevent splashing while pouring the tea. If you really long to have a beautiful teapot, then worry not! There are many more colorful designs and patterns available now in teapots.

You can use silver Teapots to improve the overall aesthetics of your dining area. Click here to know more about Teapots

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The Teapot - A Must for a Good Lifestyle

Typically the teapot is a vessel that is used to store tea or a mixture of herbs in boiling water. Invariably the tea is strained so that the tea leaves that come out if the teapot get mixed with the milk. Teapots have an opening on the top through which the tea and the water are put into the pot. All teapots have a handle for holding and a spout through which the tea is poured out when served. Some teapots have built in strainers while a strainer may have to be used for others. Actually a teapot came into being out of necessity when regular drinkers of tea required a container to brew and keep tea in.

The first teapots were supposed to have come into being in Ancient China. It was made from cast iron in those days, but slowly they were being made in porcelain also. The tetsubin are what cast iron teapots were called and originated in Japan. But teapots made its appearance in Europe by the 17th century particularly amongst the elite. Soon it was manufactured in bone china that made it more accessible to the lower strata of the people. It was during that time that tea was shipped from China to Europe and the teapots too were transported in the same vessel.

It was the English that introduced tea drinking parties in the 18th century and gradually hosting such parties became the order of the day among the upper class and tea was served from beautifully and exquisitely crafted teapots made of silver.

Today the teapot is found in almost all households and you ill find that there are a variety of teapots that you can choose from. The Japanese made teapots out of red clay, while other teapots had various themes of nature carved or imprinted on them like the YiXing pots that became the rage of days gone by.

You can use silver Teapots to improve the overall aesthetics of your dining area. Click here to know more about Teapots

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Everything Green Tea - The Fantastic Benefits of Green Tea

You know there's an ancient Chinese quote saying: "It is better to have tea for one day than have food for three days". This is not far from truth. Tea and especially green tea is considered one of humanity's strongest allies against various physical and mental conditions. In this article I will describe the most important benefits of green tea. If you wish for a hot cup of tea after reading the article, it means I have done a good job. Time will tell.

The fantastic benefits of green tea

I am not a scientist but it's hard to ignore all those scientific researches which prove the various health benefits of green tea. For example it's now a fact that green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells and lowers total cholesterol levels. And these are only two of the conditions in which this drink is reputed to be helpful. Here are some others: Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Heart attacks, Thrombosis, Rheumatoid, Arthritis and more.

What makes this drink so special is the polyphenols contained in it. They are the ultimate anti-oxidant which not only stops the growth of cancer cells but it actually destroys them without harming healthy cells. Polyphenols also work wonders with heart conditions like heart attacks and strokes. The polyphenols contained are twice as powerful as the polyphenols contained in red wine. A very recent research shows that people who don't drink either tea or red wine have increased chances to suffer a stroke than people who drink red wine. People who drink green tea develop a strong defense, thus dramatically lowering the chances to suffer a stroke.

Another thing that makes this marvelous drink so unbeatable is the way it is processed before it reaches the super market or local store shelves. It's leaves are steamed in order to protect the anti-oxidants from oxidizing. This gives originality and separates green tea from all other tea types (e.g. black tea).

Are you on a diet? Then do yourself a favor and make it a habit to drink at least two cups of green tea every day. It will raise your metabolism and burn more calories and eventually lose the weight you want! It can even prevent tooth conditions from appearing because it kills the bacteria that causes dental plaque. We've seen many new products based on green tea (e.g. toothpaste, deodorants). I believe it has become a trend these days.

Apart from all those outer world benefits there is one more spiritual benefit. Green tea helps you perform breathing-meditation exercises and opens various energy channels through which you can receive positive vibes. The polyphenols contained in the drink along with a calm mind can easily put you in the flow to receive abundance. Have a nice cup of tea carefully prepared before performing the exercises. Don't rush when drinking. Try to enjoy every part of the process.

So, we've mentioned many benefits of this magical drink. You may be wondering... Are there any negative side effects? Well the only negative side effect I can think about (after studying so many researches) is insomnia, which appears in some tea drinkers. That is because green tea contains caffeine but in small quantities and it's better to drink tea than coffee which contains large caffeine quantities. You can add frequent urination as another negative side effect if you like.

Did you know that there's a secret tea recipe that could literally save your life? Learn how to use this secret, ancient Asian -Tea Making- method and you will increase your chances of living a better and longer life. Boost your energy, lose 13 lbs every two weeks! Any body type, any age. Cures over 147 diseases. Do it yourself today. It is the magic green tea!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Juice Fast Journal - Week 2 of 6

Did you know you can keep your skin looking silky and "glowy" from the inside out? Your body has the ability to naturally boost and perfect your complexion when it's fed the right ingredients. A diet rich in Vitamins A, C, & E, is your new secret weapon to a flawless complexion! What better way to flood your body with these vitamins than by putting them directly into your bloodstream through juicing!

I have been juice fasting now for two weeks - I feel amazing! I have to say that the biggest physical difference I've noticed this week is my skin and my complexion. I have literally had people tell me every single day (at least 20 people total) that my face is glowing - just the thing every girl wants to hear! I've missed my glow in recent months, so, it's nice to get your bulb changed and even nicer for people to notice. My first week, I had some break outs as the toxins were exiting but my face is clear, smooth, and shiny now. My skin everywhere else is super silky and soft too!

So, I'm sure at this point, you are wondering: "What minerals do I need to look for and what do they do for my skin?" Here's a little glimpse into my healthy complexion beauty secrets!

Vitamin A: Maintains and repairs skin cells, helps prevent the skin from premature aging, has an anti-inflammatory nature, and has antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals.

Vitamin C: Helps fight off skin damage and wrinkles, a great skin restorer, helps produce collagen which keeps the skin plump and smooth, and is important to building strong cartilage, joints and blood vessels.

Vitamin E: Important in eliminating pollutants from the body, helps the body form antibodies, builds natural antihistamines, contributes to a healthy circulatory system, aids in proper blood clotting, improves wound healing, and some studies have shown that vitamin E decreases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and certain types of breast disease.

What do I need to juice to get clear, healthy skin? Let's take a look at the top five foods to incorporate into your juicing to get back that youthful glow and maintain your skin's vitality:

Berries are naturally sweet, which is what makes them so perfect for juicing - YUMMY! Berries pack a tremendous punch in the vitamin department. They are super rich in Vitamins A, C, & E. Berries are also an excellent source of folic acid which helps protect against colon cancer, lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Folic acid also prevents some birth defects. When eaten whole, berries are high in fiber; fiber protects against colon cancer, lowers your risk of heart disease, and helps regulate blood sugars.

Berries are flowing with phytochemicals. What is exactly is a "phytochemical," you ask? Well, they are a natural powerful antioxidant that berries get their distinctive color from. Studies have shown phytochemicals to be a leader in the fight against diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alzheimer's, memory loss, and high blood pressure; they even curb the aging process.
Many grocers have berries that were actually picked before they were ripe and allowed to ripen on their journey to your kitchen. While these still contain many health benefits, they have significantly less vitamins and phytochemicals. The berries with the most benefits are of course fresh berries that you would pick from your garden or from the local farmer's market and, as always, are organically grown.

BERRY BONANZA: Juice a handful each of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries and add that to ½ Cup of Bolthouse Farms Berry Blast and ½ Cup of Odewalla Pomegranate juice for an antioxidant punch. I have this as a snack every day and I wholeheartedly attribute it to my new complexion.

Spinach / Kale / Chard / Watercress
Popeye the Sailorman didn't just have bulging biceps - he also had a flawless complexion - ever notice? Spinach - and other leafy greens like cabbage, kale, chard, and watercress are also a great source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and the mineral iron. Iron is very important in keeping your blood healthy which keeps your skin looking bright and "glowing." They're also rich in B vitamins, so they have the added benefit of boosting your energy, which naturally increases your activity levels, keeping your body fit and your skin conditioned. All greens are rich in chlorophyll, which purifies the blood of the toxins that cause skin eruptions. If you are juicing, try adding a handful of any leafy green spinach or chard or one large kale leaf to any live juice recipe - it will turn your drink green, but not your tummy - you won't even notice! Try adding rocket, watercress, baby spinach, or cabbage to your regular salads and in sandwiches - you won't know it's there but your skin will thank you.

Mangoes contain more than 80% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin A and have fewer than 70 calories per serving, making it a perfect fruit for your figure, not just your face. Beta-carotene is a dominant mineral found in mango; it is converted by your body into Vitamin A. Beta-carotene is so important to skin vitality, that it's often prescribed as a topical ointment for acne. It is the mineral that is responsible for the vivid orange color found in mangos, pumpkins, carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, peaches, and, of course, oranges and that is accredited for improving eye sight and helping the body protect itself against sun damage. Don't just look for it in the orange foods though, plenty of beta-carotene can be found in dark green foods as well: spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, and green peppers.

"A"- 1 Juice: ½ peeled orange, ½ peach, 1 apricot, 1 Handful Spinach, and ½ a Mango - mix with 1 Cup Bolthouse Farms Mango Madness - so yummy!

Acerola Cherries
Your average cherry doesn't supply a significant amount of vitamin C, but this is no ordinary cherry! One single Acerola cherry supplies 100% of the daily recommendation for vitamin C, which is great news for your skin. Acerola cherry is one of the top ingredients found in Bolthouse Farms' C-Boost. (

"C" the Way - live juice 1 orange (peeled), 2 small Gala Apples and 2 Carrots; add to 1 cup of C-Boost and you have a vitamin rich, face friendly smoothie to start your day off right.

SUPERFOOD: Wheat Germ, Spriulina, & Blue-green Algea
Don't let the word "germ" scare you - it's actually just the embryo within a grain of wheat, and it's very nutritious. Wheat germ is a good source of biotin, a B vitamin that is crucial to skin health. Biotin is so important to healthy skin that a mild deficiency can actually cause dermatitis, a skin condition characterized by itchy, scaly skin. Spirulina and blue-green algae have cooling, detoxifying natures which keep the skin cool and the body flushed of any skin damaging free radicals. (

SUPER SUPERFOOD: To get in these vitamin rich foods, twice a day, I drink 1 cup of Odewalla Superfood mixed with 1 Cup Naked Superfood and mix that with a live juice combo: ¼ cantaloupe (with rind), 3 carrots, and a handful of spinach - I mix in my fiber & protein and I have a tasty, nutritious lunch and dinner that I know is nourishing, cleansing, and protecting my body.

Stay tuned for the next article on how to plan, organize, and execute a juice fast - both economically and organically!

Katie Snyder is the Customer Service Director for a Simplicity Gourmet, a gourmet cookware and kitchen accessory company in Nashville, TN, where she develops and teaches nutrition based organic cooking classes for newlyweds and young families. She has been in this industry for 4 ½ years. She has also helped develop and manage Simplicity Gourmet's bridal registry program and you can find your weekly wedding planning and handy home maker information on her blog.

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Three Antioxidants You Should Not Do Without

Kevin: So, you mentioned a one size fits all kind of routine. What does that
incorporate? What's a protocol that would kind of fit that?

Dr. Williams: Let me first give you a couple of questions on testing your viral immunity for your listeners. My book, "Viral Immunity," is a classic, and you know, it's a large book, and it covers many areas, and half of the book is on the ten steps for improving your viral immunity in a lot of detail. But in my other book on viruses, "Beating the Flu," I simplified some of the aspects of that and transferred it over, and I have a short test in there. I'll give your listeners a couple of questions out of there where if you get more than two or three colds or ordinary flu a year, your immunity might be a little bit low. If you have asthma or allergies or any lung disease, your immunity might be a little low.

If you're over fifty or under fifteen, your immunity might be low. If you don't take any antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and E, you don't exercise at all or very little, then your immunity might be at risk. If you don't eat, if you eat less than four to five servings of fruits and vegetables-I recommend ten to twelve or more a day- then your immunity can be at risk. If you don't get good sleep, if you're under stress, many things like that are going to. . .in other words, that pretty much covers most Americans, doesn't it?

Kevin: Yeah. [laughing] Even some of the healthy ones, right?

Dr. Williams: Even some of the healthy ones. So then we want to take a look at the first step on that and that is to make sure that you're really covered with, that your antioxidant base is covered because that builds your strong immune foundation. And so, you may not recall, but I think maybe a generation before some of the leaders in natural health like yourself came on the planet, perhaps, but Linus Pauling, who brought us the idea about vitamin C, was just ridiculed and laughed at and so forth. Everybody knows him, but I remember in some of my. . .I never met him, but some of my friends and colleagues worked with him, studied with him, traveled with him, and everything was just vitamin C, vitamin C, vitamin C with these people.

We found out that it really, he probably was extreme in that it didn't do everything that we thought it was or should do, but it turned out that as we researched more, it actually does a lot. And that opened the door, created that paradigm of the importance of antioxidants in fighting disease and fighting viruses. And so getting enough vitamin C would be step number one.

And then the other antioxidants that go with that, particularly zinc, because zinc is a key component of many metabolic actions in the body and especially the immune system. Your thymus gland which is your key immune organ which is centered in your chest, and for those listeners who are on a spiritual path understand then the center of the chest is what we call the "heart chakra" or the "Anahata chakra," and that you would think the color that goes with it would be red. But it's not; it's green like the emerald green of the Amazon rain forest. And the thymus gland is centered in the center of the chest in that area of the heart chakra. And that having a strong thymus gland depends on zinc.

So, vitamin C, zinc, selenium. We've come to know, not just by theory, but by real scientific fact that American soils and now, worldwide soils are very depleted in selenium and other trace minerals, and that selenium is a key anti- viral nutrient and a key antioxidant and helps to not only prevent cancer, in some cases it can treat cancer in high dosages. So, that's really the part of that universal immune system, making sure that everything is on track. It's getting enough of the nutrients that would be deficient in even a good diet and getting them up to the levels that would support the immune system.

Kevin: And what about like synthetic vitamin C versus an extract from say, camu camu berry or acerola cherry or rose hips or something like that? What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Williams: Well, camu camu comes from upper Amazon and Peru, and every street vendor, sitting or squatting down has a little bucket full of camu camu, and you walk down the street and you buy a handful for a couple of pennies and chew on, suck on those. The acerola berry is another one, as you mentioned, that came from the Caribbean. So a lot of these small fruits that are in the tropical zone, especially equatorial tropical zone, because of the intense sunlight. . . Just imagine yourself sitting out all day long at the top of a tree soaking up the sun day after day after day. What would you look like? More like a prune.

Kevin: Yeah.

Dr. Williams: I'm sure we would burn, too, right? So, these fruits are exposed to the sun, and they don't burn, they don't dry up until their life cycle is over. They're robust and they, because they have high antioxidant levels under the skin, right at the edge of the skin, that undoes all the damage that all that amount of sunlight causes. And so they're very, very high in the antioxidants, vitamin C being one. And any time that you can get your nutrients and particularly your antioxidants through food, you're by far better off.

We know that lower dosages, the correct form of the antioxidant in lower dosages through foods are more highly assumable and they're more biologically active in the body. And that's always the key. Is the molecule biologically active? And if it is, to what percentage of the molecule is the activity recognized by our body? Our selves can tell the difference. Technically, the pharmacist will say there's no difference. It's the same molecule. You can look at it. You can design it. It's bioidentically the same. But the fact is, is that it's not. Because there are other molecules that are associated with it in the foods, and the body recognizes that and utilizes it better because they are more biologically active. Now, the pharmaceutical forms, the pure forms, also have a purpose, and you just could never eat enough camu camu to get up to, say, a hundred or 250 grams of vitamin C a day or in a few hours to be used as a therapy. So, they both play a role. First would be through food, and second, would be through supplemental nutrition from the pharmaceutically produced product.

Kevin: I sure that's the same with the zinc and the selenium, too.

Dr. Williams: Absolutely. With all, especially with antioxidants, but almost all nutrients would be the same. There's a fair amount of research, and I've listened to presentations by the antioxidant experts, and I think it's quite convincing, and the research is quite, it's actually pretty simple research that shows that foods outperform in terms of their biological activity and their effects in the body than supplements.

Now really, the big question is this. Does a product produced by squeezing up a bunch of camu camu or acerola and making it into a network marketing company, does that give you the same benefit as the acerola berry? [laughter] Or the synthetic vitamin C? And I think that's where we lose. And we take information from one thing, and we develop it into a marketable product, and we, at that point is where we start to lose ground very, very rapidly. It's kind of like all of a sudden we're in a canoe, theoretically that should be able to cross the river, but now it has holes in it, and we're just about ready to go over the waterfall.

You can't win for losing, in other words, in that type of scenario. So, what we're doing is trying to take that to a next step which is to take these substances, process them in the laboratory, in pharmaceutical type laboratories. All natural medicine, but the machinery and everything are highest quality, sterile environments, and then they're made into extracts so we're essentially removing water and cellulose and the shells and things like that that would be excreted material from the body anyway, and then retaining the complex molecule and the other things that are attached to that into an extract form and then reconstituting that into another juice base. But if you... and so that's kind of the next level. And those are called medical foods or medical beverages and the FDA has a little bit of a hard time knowing what to do with them because they, in fact that the research shows that they're highly biologically available, contain highly biologically available substance and that they can actually treat or prevent different diseases. So now, you know, it's almost like in a category of a drug.

Kevin: Right.

Dr. Williams: And many companies, they can't, they just can't afford to advance those types of products along, but you'll see more and more of those.

Kevin: OK, I pay a lot more then a couple pennies for my camu camu extract. [laughs] I'll tell you that.

Dr. Williams: Yeah, exactly. But all of these little fruits and berries, that you know, I see all these companies and it reminds me, I can see them in my minds eye right now as we talk, and every time somebody mentions the different names of these companies I, "ah, yes," I can remember the plant, they're like friends to me, they're just like people almost. They're, you know, as you can recall a person's face that you met and that you may run into all the time or maybe you had a significant encounter, but you never saw them again, but you'll still remember them. I remember the plants like that, and the fruits like that and it's a little nostalgic for me. You wonder, "Gee how did that happen? How did this big business come out of that little thing that we were researching?" And one of the main steps in the research that goes on, particularly with the tropical substances, is to discover what their, which antioxidants they have and which are the most common and what's their percentages. And then they start comparing them against, they usually compare them against vitamin C or vitamin E. So they say, you know, has twice the activity of you know, as opposed to vitamin C or something.

Kevin Gianni the host of Renegade Health Show - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"

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Why Jamaica Is the Land of Wood, Water and Gold Medals

Jamaica lies East of the Atlantic Ocean and is about 90 miles south of Cuba, and almost directly east of the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.

Tourism is the largest segment in Jamaica's economy, but the rest of the economy is surprisingly diverse too. There are many different types of light manufacturing, service industries and locally popular consumer products that are manufactured on the island some of which include rum, paper; food etc.

Jamaica is also the fifth largest producer of bauxite (the stuff aluminum comes from).

The climate in Jamaica is (as most people expect) hot and humid, but the island is fairly diverse, and there are some parts of the country (Inland regions and mountains) that are cooler than others.

One of Jamaica's most well known exports to the world is reggae music!!
This stemmed from the musical contributions from reggae legend (who is now deceased) Bob Marley.

Although Bob Marley died many years ago, the music genre is as alive today as ever. Artists such as Vybz Kartel, Movado, Ioctane, Tarus Riley (To name a few) still keep people listening, buying and dancing to reggae music into the early hours of the morning all over the world.

Jamaica is an island that is made up of many different people. People from other cultures pass through or settle on the island, and this has had an undeniably positive effect on Jamaica's cuisine.

A few popular Jamaican dishes include ackee and salt fish (the island's national dish) Jerk Chicken, Curry Goat, Curried Mutton, Jamaican patties (made with beef, chicken, cheese, curry or vegetables), Brown Stew Chicken, Oxtail, Steamed Fish too name a few...

Delicious Jamaican cuisine is created using ingredients such as: Allspice, black pepper, coconut, coconut milk, green bananas, ginger, pigeon peas, plantains, jerk spice, yams, garlic, salt beef, thyme, oxtail, passion fruit, ketchup, onion, browning sauce, green banana, kidney beans, tamarind, acerola, lima beans, jackfruit, pineapple, cho cho and scotch bonnet peppers. These are just a few of the ingredients that are used in Jamaican cooking....and most of these ingredients are grown locally.

For people who visit Jamaica, the food is often the most enjoyable part of the trip, as locally grown produce taste much fresher, sweeter and retains more nutrients.

Caribbean food is very colorful and Jamaican food is no exception. So it's not surprising that wherever you find Jamaican communities (across the world), you also find Jamaican food stores. There are even online Jamaican food sites, that sell Jamaican foods, supplies and spices.

So there you have it Jamaica has it all sun, luscious beaches, reggae, good food (rum), and great people so when are you booking your Jamaican getaway?

About the author: Serene Murphys endeavours include hosting dinner parties for family and friends, cooking tasty Caribbean style summer BBQs, visiting vibrant markets, reading recipe books and travelling to sample the unique flavours of the continents. Serene's love of delicious Caribbean food has lead her to provide a "reggalicious" place where lovers of Caribbean food, can purchase a wide range of easy to cook Caribbean recipe kits.

For more information please Click Here: For Caribbean food chat, cooking tips, videos and pictures visit

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Native Indian Fruits for Health!

India boasts of a wide range of native fruits, all of them rich in phytonutrients. Chief among them are Pomegranate, Jamun (Indian blackberry) & Amla (Indian gooseberry). The health benefits attributed to the consumption of fruits are related to their antioxidant activity.

Pomegranates are the richest source of antioxidants among all fruits. Free radicals, triggered in our body, mostly by pollutants, contaminants in food, can lead to cancer or heart attacks. Antioxidants help combat effectively free radicals. While ancient systems of medicine have recognized and exploited the value of pomegranates as health supplements, 'modern science' has only recently realized the importance of this super anti-oxidant.

Jamun, also known as Indian blackberry is a rich source of minerals, particularly iron, calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin A and C contents of Jamun fruit are higher than that of apple. It is a useful food supplement, which prevents the onset of diabetes and also improves the health of a diabetic patient at initial stages by decreasing the blood sugar level. Jamun seeds contain combolian glucocide, which prevents the conversion of starch to sugar.

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C and tannins. The tannins in Amla are very effective as antioxidants.

Research shows that fruits/fruit supplements are critical to promoting good health. Fruit supplements contain not only a far wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals than traditional vitamin supplements, but also antioxidants and other phytonutrients - including the fibre - found in fresh raw fruits.

After considerable studies and research, Maduban Natural Products, an outfit at Bangalore, involving technocrats, scientists and young farmers has developed a process of extracting the polyphenolic antioxidants and other key nutrients from the entire portion of pomegranate, jamun and amla fruits - peel, juice and seed. The nutrients in 'Maduban Naturals' fruit supplements work together in combination to provide the nutritional benefits of eating a whole fruit. The whole fruit extracts are formulated into various products like fruit capsules, juice concentrates, fortified tea's, fruit chews, health chocolates, face packs, hair conditioner powder, body scrubs etc. for easy day-to-day use. Also available is a unique gift hamper that contains a collection of their products. For more detailed description of the products and a safe, convenient and hassle free shopping experience please visit

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Harnessing the Power of Acerola Cherry Fruit

Vitamin C is not produced in the human body. It must be obtained from our daily diet or from supplements. Did you know that by taking synthetic Vitamin C supplements, you might be doing yourself more harm than good? Most of this synthetic Vitamin C is not absorbed by the body and is expelled in urine causing your kidneys and liver to work hard. In order to really enjoy the health benefits of Vitamin C, one needs to consume the complex real Vitamin C and not the synthetic version. Real vitamin C is found in natural foods, just like the Acerola Cherry. The Acerola cherry or West Indian cherry has the highest content of Vitamin C, among all fruits. It is also rich in Flavonoids, Potassium, Magnesium, enzymes such as Tyrosinase, dietary fiber etc. The efficacy of Vitamin C in the fruit is increased by the presence of fruit flavonoids.

Some of the health benefits of the fruits are -

• Boosts the immune system to help fight against colds, flu's, and degenerative diseases.
• Induces production of collagen in the body thus enhancing skin complexion
• Encourages cellular regeneration and protects from free radical damage.
• Supports a healthy nervous system and increases oxygen capacity in the blood.
• Aids in adrenal hormone production.
• People who get a lot of potassium in their diet have a lower risk of stroke and studies show those with low levels of potassium in their diet have high blood pressure. It is more important and useful to get potassium from natural foods like acerola cherry than from synthetic potassium supplements.
• Dietary fiber in adequate amounts is critical for proper elimination and good health. Diets high in fiber are proven to relieve constipation and hemorrhoids. High fiber diets also decrease blood cholesterol levels.
• Helps fight chronic fatigue
• The Vitamin A content in the fruit is good for clear eye sight.

Maduban Naturals has introduced a whole new range of Fruit Enriched Green Teas. Select green tea leaves (grown by organic cultivation methods) from a single tea garden in the higher altitude range of Nilgiri mountains, are plucked and hand processed (exclusively for Maduban naturals) the same day resulting in a clear brew that is rich in polyphenols and is not bitter at all! The hand processed green tea leaves are enriched with the natural extracts of whole pomegranate, jamun and acerola cherry fruits. Each tea bag brings the goodness of the green tea along with the added health benefits of natural fruit extracts. No artificial flavors, fragrances or additives are added to the green tea / fruit extract blends.

For more information please visit -

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The Perfect Food For Natural Male Enhancement

Pumps, vacuums, surgeries - these might just be a bit too scary to get into for anyone who wants to enhance his manhood. Contraptions and devices can be intimidating and are admittedly not all too discreet. There are male enhancement pills advertised everywhere but the side effects are even scarier with prospects of contracting life threatening diseases. Anyone who wants to have a better chance at sexual performance can eat food for natural male enhancement. There is no need to have culinary talents to have food for natural male enhancement. These are regular food items that are available in most groceries and in anyone's pantry.

Eating a healthy diet loaded with vitamins and minerals as well as with whole, unrefined, fresh, and unprocessed foods is one of the important things to do in a male enhancement regimen. Some food for natural male enhancement include: fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans and olive oil. Cold-water fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, and halibut are also recommended food for natural male enhancement. As a healthy lifestyle is recommended for anyone who is working towards male enhancement, all junk food should be avoided at all times, along with dairy food, sugar, refined food, fried food, and caffeine.

These are the general dietary guidelines that will improve anyone's manhood. There are specific food for natural male enhancement that are known to result in better erectile functioning. These food are rich in vitamins and minerals that increase blood circulation and improve conditions of the heart and other bodily functions. Those who include these food for natural male enhancement in their diets have been known to exhibit desired results:

1. Snails - This food is rich in zinc, an antioxidant mineral that is important in enhancing sexual functioning. The abundance of zinc in snails as well as in oysters and shellfish helps in producing DNA, repairing cells, and improving the male reproductive system.

2. Bananas - Known to be a rich source of potassium, bananas help in regulating nerves, heartbeat, and blood pressure. Aside from bananas, orange juice and tomato products are also good sources of potassium.

3. Fish rich in omega-3 - Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel contain healthy fat and omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart and blood circulation. Eating fatty fish is also known to reduce the risk of having prostate cancer.

4. Cabbage - This vegetable helps in preventing heart disease and cancer. It has phytochemicals, sulphoraphane, which help cure prostate cancer and colon cancer. Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and beta-carotene.

5. Berries and Cherries - Berries such as Acai berries and Acerola cherries are great anti-aging food that helps in erectile dysfunction. Acai berries contain anthocyanins, antioxidants known to protect brain functioning and aid blood flow to prevent arteries from blockages. Acerola cherries, on the other hand, are used as supplements for total health care with its high concentrations of vitamin C and other nutrients.

An important guideline in choosing food for natural male enhancement is to choose food that are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals. It would be helpful to keep in mind that living a healthy lifestyle, and that includes diet, could result in better sexual performance.

Ready to fix your small penis problems today for good safely using the best natural male enhancement solutions? We have the best natural and real solution to becoming bigger and having the best sex of your life. Don't let your age control your sex life. Go to to learn how to fix your problem for FREE today!

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Collagen and Its Role In Cosmetics

What Is Skin Collagen?

Short Answer: A fibrous protein found in skin, bone, cartilage, tendon, and other connective tissues.

The main structural component of the lower layer of the skin (Dermis) is a protein called collagen. Bundles of collagen molecules pack together throughout the dermis, accounting for three-fourths of the dry weight of skin. Collagen is also responsible for the skin´s strength. Collagen is produced by cells called fibroblasts, which are found scattered throughout the dermis.

Collagen is a connective tissue and is the cement that holds everything together-the primary mortar between the bricks of all of our smooth muscle tissues such as blood vessels, digestive tract, heart, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder, to mention just a few. Collagen, along with elastin, is a key structural component of bones, cartilage, tendons, the skin, lung tissue and blood vessels. Collagen provides structure and firmness to body tissues, while elastin provides flexibility to those same tissues.

As aging occurs, cellular proteins hook together or change shape. These changes keep the proteins from doing their jobs properly resulting in a loss of collagen and less firmness to body tissues. This process eventually leads to wrinkles. Thus, one important target of wrinkle prevention and elimination regimen is to reduce collagen breakdown and increase its supply. This task is achievable but you have to go about it in the right way.

Everyday your skin is exposed to environmental elements such as sunlight and air pollution. These elements cause free radicals to form in the skin, which attacks the collagen layer. This process prematurely ages and damages skin, resulting in everything from fine lines and wrinkles to loss of elasticity and hyperpigmentation. This process is known as photo-aging.

First, vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen , a key structural protein of the skin. Adding vitamin C to a culture of skin cells (fibroblasts) dramatically increases the synthesis of collagen. Secondly, vitamin C is an antioxidant and can help reduce skin damage caused by free radicals. So, when vitamin C is properly delivered to skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. Action C products provide anti-oxidant protection from environmental damage.

Using face creams with vitamin C and Collagen will stimulate skin cells to produce collagen and can partly reverse this process. Stimulating collagen synthesis in aged skin was shown to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture.

Please keep in mind that taking large amounts of vitamin C orally is of little benefit for reducing wrinkles because you cannot orally obtain high enough concentration of vitamin C in the skin to notably increase collagen production.

Action C Skincare is an exclusive 25% Vitamin C based skincare system, containing Aceromine, a natural Vitamin C derived from the Acerola fruit. Acerola is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C in the world. In addition, Acerola contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Niacin, Beta Carotene and minerals. All five products are non-abrasive and gently exfolliate to peel away dead skin cells, revealing a new and more beautiful complexion. Continued use of Action C products will improve the overall health and appearance of your skin, not only now, but also long into the future.

Colosé Cream Egalisante (Collagen Cream) contains vegetable collagen from the leaves and fruits of the Australian Acacia Tree. Beware of products that contain native collagen as these are animal derivatives.

Action C and Colosé Collagen Cream are available at

CREDIT BYLINE: Article written by Katrina VanDoran, Editor of Make-up USA Newsletter: Ms. VanDoran is a top makeup artist using Bren Cosmetics and Colosé Cosmetics and Skin Care products exclusively.

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Author and Nutritionist David Wolfe Discusses Nutritional Myths

Kevin: Let's take another turn here and let's talk a little bit about some of the common things that people are experiencing nowadays and maybe if you can just give some suggestions on what they can do to help them out. I know that, to start, we'll start with osteoporosis. A lot of women are concerned about osteoporosis and they're concerned about calcium and taking these calcium pills. You know, what are some of the pros and cons of that?

David: Okay, well the nations that consume the most calcium, the United States, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, have the worse osteoporosis and that's because our theory of mineralization or our theory of nutrition is incorrect. The general theory is that a hundred years ago they started looking at people's bones. They found out that, oh my god; these bones are made out of calcium. When people don't have enough bone density the thought is, oh they just have to eat more calcium because that's what builds bones. Calcium does not build bones and that is one of the biggest misconceptions ever and it actually goes to the real core of our problems with science. And that is the human body is a complex biological machine of an unbelievable of mystery. And there is strong evidence that indicates that if you eat some of the calcium, let's say it's calcium from coral calcium, for example, oyster shell calcium. That it is almost impossible to get that stuff into your bones to increase bone density. The amount of increasing bone density, at best, is 1 or 2%. It is not good enough.

What increases bone density? Well, it turns out it's two other minerals and that is silicon and magnesium. Now, the best natural source of magnesium is cacao and cacao is known to be good for your teeth. In fact, there are chemicals in cacao that kill the organism Streptococci mutans that cause cavities. And, in fact, those extracts of the chocolate are now going to be showing up in toothpaste all over the world.

Kevin: No kidding?

David: That's amazing. That to me is just such a dramatic irony.

Kevin: Wow.

Kevin Wolfe: All along chocolate has been good for your teeth. It's the sugar that's been bad but even then, even then, studies have been done on people who eat chocolate even with the sugar and it's been found with a study done in Scandinavia on this. It's been found that even then that people who eat chocolate have been teeth health than people who don't. To me that's amazing. But let's get on to silicon because this is the mineral that is difficult to get in today's diet. What is silicon? It's a mineral. You get it in the skin of cucumbers. It's in the skin of bell peppers. It's the skin of tomatoes. It's in certain special herbs, which I'm going to name and you can drink this as a tea or take it in supplemental form and you will notice that it helps with your bone density.

And here are the herbs. One of them is called horse tail, horse tail and it's not a horse's tail. It's actually an herb. Another one is nettle. Stinging nettles have been eaten by the druids in the U.K. for thousands of years and it's one of the most important foods to eat if you know how to do it or if you juice it or you can just dry it and make a tea out of it, which is what I'm recommending; horse tail, nettle, oat straw. The oat seed of the oat grass has a little straw around it. It has a little coating. It's the seed capsule. That oat straw is one of the richest sources of silicon. You can buy it in health food stores. You can get in as extracts in health food stores.

You can get it raw and make your own tea out of it. You combine those three together and you want you can add alfalfa, which is also a great source of silicon. You can either make a tea out of that or you can just eat those any way you can find them. And you will find if you do three strong teas
of that per day you will start increasing your bone density but how? It's the silicon. Now, how does silicon increase calcium? I mean that doesn't make sense. It's because our theory of minerals is incorrect. Our atomic theory is incorrect. And that is if you eat silicon rich food your body, through the power of enzymes transmutates it into calcium, turns the silicon into calcium. That was discovered by a great French researcher by the name of Louis Curvan, a Nobel prize nominee, who wrote five books and 5,000 pages of research on just this particular subject; how silicon and calcium are related to each other.

It was very well honored in France and he is very intimately entwined in the science of what's going on in France; but because of the language barrier his research really never made it to the English-speaking nations.

Kevin: Interesting when we're still taking calcium pills from, you know, sea shells and everything.

David: I recommend to god, you know, this is so engrained in our minds about calcium that if you are confused about this, get on the Internet and research exactly whose getting the results of remineralizing their bones and you'll find it's people who are not taking these forms of calcium that are toxic, which is the oyster shell calcium and to some degree even coral calcium.

Kevin: Now, bones are alkaline and doesn't the acidity of meats and sugars - does that eat away at the bone? I mean has that been proven or is that just a theory that I think I have, you know?

David: Well, that's a great question and that's the other side of the equation about osteoporosis. One is we've got to make sure we get the right nutrition to build strong bones. The other side of the equation is we've got to make sure we are doing things that aren't hurting our bones. Eating lots of sugar is one of the worse things we can do to our overall health of our teeth, which are living bones and to the density of our bones because when we take in lots of sugar our body has to use calcium, it has to pull calcium out of the bones to buffer or neutralize the intense acidity of the sugar. Calcium is highly alkaline, as you stated. Our bones are alkaline and, therefore, alkaline minerals are used whenever we're exposed to real strong acids. Sugar is a very strong acid. I mean, you know, we used to dissolve the corrosion on our battery terminals of our bus by dumping soda pop onto it because that sugar just dissolves and the phosphoric acid just dissolves all the corrosion right on the battery terminal. I mean you don't' want to be putting that in your body. That's dangerous.

Kevin: Let's get into supplements little bit. And you walk into a health food store and there are literally thousands of them. How do you get through them to find the ones that help with weight loss, and longevity, is really what I think the fountain of youth is all about? Which ones of those are the best? I mean rhodiola, turmeric, cinnamon. I mean which ones are the ones that people should be focusing on, not necessarily take but should be focusing on?

David: That's such an excellent question. My job is to basically guide people into health food stores and create order out of chaos. There are so many things. Okay, well the most important thing, in my opinion, that you can buy in a health food store in that department is going to be vitamin C.

Kevin: Okay. In what form?

David: Well, there's different forms. Now, I recommend that you start experimenting, moving away from synthetic forms of vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which is still beneficial, still good for you, and moving towards powdered, really high vitamin C plants. For example, you can get acerola cherry. It's a tropical berry that is really high in vitamin C. It's like 1 or 2% vitamin C and basically what they do is they grow these berries. They dry them and they powder them down and the encapsulate them or put them in a glass jar and sell them in health food stores as vitamin C. Now, that's a real great way to get lots of vitamin C natural with all the cofactors. Vitamin C needs cofactors like rutin and bioflavonoids that are all naturally present in those powders, like acerola cherry. You can either take it supplementally as capsules or you add it onto your smoothies. You can literally put it in your water that you drink in your morning and it kind of sweetens the water. It sweetens the water but doesn't sugarize the water.

Kevin: Gotcha.

David: Vitamin C is sweet but not sugary. So it makes your morning water easier to drink. So that's one thing, vitamin C. The next thing is, what I believe to be, the greatest discovery in the last -- probably in the last hundred years in the field of nutrition other than vitamin C and enzymes and that is sulfur, MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane. MSM is a biologically available form of sulfur that's naturally found in wild food, untended food. We don't really have access to that hardly at all any more. I mean, almost all our food is grown on farms for us. It's not being watered naturally by the rain. I'm talking about the natural sulfur that's produced in the oceans that helps create clouds, then drops them on the land that we need nutritionally in order to produce flexible collagen. Now that in the world does that mean? It means that sulfur produces flexible skin and flexible muscle tissue. It stops, in essence, wrinkling and increases the juiciness of the collagen and the discs, the joints that basically separate our bones from each other. On top of all that, it increases the growth of our hair, our nails, so that we have thicker, richer growth of our hair and nails. This can all be easily experienced within two weeks of taking MSM.

Kevin: It's going to grow like weeds.

David: It's really incredible and people who want thick quick growth of their hair and nails are almost always completely shocked by how powerful MSM can be. You can get it in capsule form. You can get it in a powder form. It's available in every single health food store now. Once you start
looking into it, and especially when you take it, here's what you're going to find out. You're going to find it's one of the most important things you've ever taken. I have randomly polled hundreds of people about MSM. I almost always to a T here from people who have taken it before. Oh, MSM changed my life. I've heard that dozens of times, that exact quote. Oh, MSM changed my life.

Kevin Gianni the host of Renegade Health Show - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of The Busy Person's Fitness Solution

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Super Foods - 3 for Energy Libido & Health AND a Longer Life!

Imagine being able to increase energy levels, increase your libido, feel healthier, protect against disease and look and feel younger with 3 natural foods?

Well, you can!

These 3 super foods are the perfect combination.

There not new, they have been around for centuries, but now the world is falling in love with them and you will to.

Acai Berries

From Brazil - A favourite of the beach boys and girls, it's reputation is now spreading worldwide with my celebrities such as, David Beckham being a huge fan.

It is seen as the best anti aging food out there and is much more potent than blueberries.

It also contains double the antioxidant anthocyanins - Know to protect the brain, prevent arteries from blocking and help with arthritis.

The Amazonian Indians nicknamed the tree the berries grow on the "tree of life" and its a very apt name.

The berries contain an abundance of heart protecting fatty acids and cholesterol lowering phytosterols.

The huge amount of antioxidants also help protect your skin from the tell tale signs of aging.

The berries also contain the rare combination of both high concentrations of Vitamin C and E, which are both needed for great skin.

The berries only contain 1 gram of fat and 50 calories per 50 mg serving, so they are great for anyone on a diet.

And to top it all off the Brazilians are convinced it increases libido as well!

Acerola Cherries

From Brazil again the Acerola has a massive dose of vitamin C in it and about 150 super nutrients.

The berries were traditionally used as a supplement for overall health and to treat illnesses such as:

Anaemia, diabetes, cholesterol, liver problems and water retention.

Today, there is amove to the berries in skin creams as Vitamin C helps fight aging of the skin and the nutrients make skin more healthy and radiant

Goji Berries

The Goji berry is only be found in the most remote regions of Western Asia and their health benefits have been acknowledged for centuries by the Chinese.

Now their being recognized as wonder food in the west to and with good reason - They are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

They can be eaten whole or drunk as juice.

They contain weight for weight 500 times more vitamin C than oranges contain and more betacarotine than carrots - Both these vitamins help protect against cancer, fight heart disease and skin aging.

These berries also supply 5 times as much Iron as found in steak of equivalent weight. They are also rich in B Vitamins for nerves and the nutrient beta - sitosterol, which can help lower cholesterol.

But that's not all, these berries also contain polysaccharides that are great for the immune system and protect against colds.

Berries and cherries for health

So if you want all the above, its time to eat some berries and cherries for a healthier long life.

PS: They taste good to!

More Free information on these super foods as well as a wide variety of articles and features on diet and health visit ==>

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Health Juices - Do You Think?

There are plenty of health juices on the market to take a look at that are not organic but are considered to be health juices, such as, Himalayan Goji Juice. So what is in a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice? Reconstituted goji juice, grape - pear - apple juice concentrate, pear puree and natural flavor, with sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate added to maintain freshness. First question would be, what is reconstituted goji juice? By definition it means - To provide with a new structure, to constitute again; reconstruct; recompose. Now the other question is what is a concentrated juice, well it has gone thru a process to remove any solids in the juice, but it turns out that those solids are the storehouse for many nutrients.

Cloudy apple juices contain much more antioxidant than clear apple juice. One last point to make, what chemical preservatives are in Himalayan Goji and other health juices? Natural flavors, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. Natural flavors can be pretty much anything approved for use in food, its man made, which means its really not natural and the company does not have to list what the actually natural flavoring is. Here are just a few facts about sodium benzoate, when mixed with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) sodium benzoate transforms into benzene, a known carcinogen. Heat, light and shelf life can affect the rate at which benzene is formed, so the longer it stays on the shelf the more benzene. Sodium benzoate along with artificial food coloring can cause children with ADHD to be more hyperactive. Coca Cola announced it would remove sodium benzoate from its products by the end of 2008. Potassium sorbate is used to inhibit molds and yeasts in many foods.

Monavie Ingredients - Acai (freeze-dried powder and acai puree); fruit juice from concentrate (white grape, nashi pear, acerola, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passion fruit, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, wolfberry (Goji), pomegranate, lychee, camu camu); fruit purees (pear, banana, bilberry); d-gulcosamine hydrochloride, esterified fatty acids, natural flavor, citric acid, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

Xango Ingredients - Reconstituted Mangosteen juice from whole fruit puree, apple juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, grape juice concentrate, pear puree, blueberry juice concentrate, raspberry juice concentrate, strawberry juice concentrate, cranberry juice concentrate, Cherry juice concentrate,citric acid, natural flavor, pectin, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate.

G3 from Pharmanex Ingredients - Water, Proprietary Juice Blend (gac, Siberian Pineapple, Cili, Chinese Lycium), pear concentrate, grape concentrate, apple concentrate, acerola, natural flavor,citric acid, sodium Benzoate, ascorbic acid, xanthan gum, pectin.

Zrii does not list its nutritional label on their website. Zrii's featured ingredients - Amalaki, Ginger, Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube and Haritaki but they do not even tell you about the primary ingredients being pear, raspberry and pomegranate juices. Why would a company not reveal its label on its website?

So would you buy any of these juices? 100% Fruit juice is good for you because they offer a variety of nutrients found naturally in fruits. Unfortunately alot of the health juices/health drinks on the market today are from concentrate and have preservatives. Check the labels on the so called health juices before you buy.

Linda Allen is passionate about being healthy and Saving the Rainforest. That is why she promotes The Amazon Herb Company, this companies products will improve your health and when you purchase products, a percentage of the proceeds goes toward Saving the Rainforest.

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Exotic Ingredients of Cosmeceuticals

Today the customers are no less thirsty than the crow in the story. Perhaps they are even thirstier when it is about their skin care. They can drop thousands more stones in the jar to lift the information from the very bottom of the jar. However, internet made things easier for them. To promote the constructive practice of being well informed before using the products of skin care, hereby some ingredients of cosmeceuticals are put under the light so that the other end of the tunnel become visible by a bit more.

'Exotic ingredients' is the term that refers to a group of natural cosmeceutical ingredients that is being hunted by the researchers and the researchers are in search of their sources from Asia to Amazon.

Acerola fruit is enriched in vitamin C content and renders significant lightening affect to the skin. Brazil is known for Acerola fruit source. It also contains bioflavonoids, carotenoids and other antioxidants.

Buriti oil is an extractant of Moriche palm tree and also available in the Brazilian Amazon. Since people without brown skins are in the threat, of ultraviolet ray, posed by global warming, this red-orange oil will become more and more popular among them as the days go by. It is due to the fact that it possesses a naturally occurring SPF factor that filters and absorbs ultraviolet rays, and thereby it helps to prevent ultraviolet induced skin diseases. It contains beta-carotene by a large margin that protects the skin against the damaging effects of sunlight by neutralizing free radicals.

Camu camu, grows along the Amazon River, is believed to have the highest source of natural vitamin C. To realize the increment of Vitamin C, found in camu camu, in compare to other natural sources, we can chose orange (one of the common sources of vitamin C) to compare with Camu camu. Empirically, Camu camu contains approximately 30 times more vitamin C than that in an orange. It is known for its stable and effectiveness in topical use. It is proved to be effective in fighting anti-aging and wrinkles. It boosts collagen and skin elasticity.

Carambola grows extensively in Southeast Asia, South America, Hawaii, Southern Florida and Australia. It became popular in skin care product developing field for serving as a source of antioxidants like epicatechin.

Cupuacu, is an Amazonian rainforest tree, contains phytonutrients, polyphenols, phytosterols, etc. Due to being an exceptional moisturizer, Skin care companies planning this exotic to use in amelioration of aging and dry skin.

Maracuja seed oil contains about 70 percent linoleic acid that supports skin barrier function to control transepidermal loss of water. It helps to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines. It has achieved a high profile as a free radical scavengers and antioxidants. It is prescribed to those who want calm, relax and moisturize the skin. The seeds of the passion fruit are the source of Maracuja seed oil.

Apart from the natural exotics mentioned above many other exotics are currently in use to improve the function of cosmeceuticals such as Yerba mate, Urucum seed oil, tamanu oil and so on. Many researches have been undertaken by many cosmeceuticals companies to invent new exotic to ensure your skin care just as you want. Wish them good luck so that we can live young forever.

The Author is a freelancer who finds the inspiration of his work from the nature and its children.

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